Castille Fires Warning at Judges Snared in Pornography Scandal

Ron-CastilleThe Chief Justice is not happy about the judicial connection to the Keystone State’s latest scandal.

Castille strongly declared that judges associated with the scandal will “pay the piper.”

The top Judge asked in letterform as well as on a follow up phone call with current Attorney General Kathleen Kane for the names of magistrates involved as well as for copies of the emails.

Speaking on a conference call with reporters, Castille stated “I want to make sure that, if they are involved, they have to pay the piper. It’s just sad for us as a branch of government if anyone is involved in this type of activity.”

Judges connected with the misconduct would be violating the commonwealth’s Judicial Code of Conduct. First, the use of state computers to exchange the emails would be a major violation. Secondly, any judges swapping the emails containing hardcore pornography with prosecutors on former cases would present an encroachment of conflict of interest statutes.

On Thursday Kane released a selection of emails containing many former and current of Governor Corbett’s top deputies. Castille is now requesting all of the emails, not just the ones already freed.

Governor Corbett also demanded all the facts this weekend.

7 Responses

  1. This is a big scandal because the Attorney General’s office and judges are supposed to set the standard for moral, ethical and legal behavior.

    Judges and prosecutors exchanging porn emails could be grounds for appeal for convicted felons.

    Firing 30 officials from the Attorney General’s office and an unknown number of judges could put pending cases they worked on in jeopardy.

  2. Annette:

    Hardcore in this sense does not refer to violent. Hardcore pornography generally involves sex acts, whereas softcore pornography doesn’t.

    Still, were these people watching porn at work? While on the bench? Or was this off-hours at home? Or even if it WAS at work. Was it wasting a significant amount of time?

    I still don’t see why this is a big deal. Yes looking at porn at work could be a fireable offense. I don’t see why we are treating this as if it’s a huge scandal.

  3. So Corbett gets to see them all. And Castille gets to see them all. But as of now, the PEOPLE who these scumbags work for – we are kept in the dark? Shame on ALL branches of government, including Kane, for placing themselves above the People they work for.

  4. They did say “hardcore”. Would you like to be in court with a judge on the bench who is a viewer of hardcore porn? Hardcore porn = violence.

  5. So yea. People shouldn’t be trading pornography on work emails. Still… why is this such a big deal?

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