Chester, Montgomery County Fraternal Orders of Police Endorse Pat Meehan for Congress
DREXEL HILL, PA — The Chester and Montgomery County Fraternal Orders of Police today endorsed Pat Meehan for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District.
The Montgomery County Fraternal Order of police represents more than 1,400 former and current law enforcement personnel.
“Your genuine concern and continuous support regarding positions that are important to law enforcement and law enforcement officers are greatly appreciated,” said Al A. Fazio, Chair of the FOP’s Political Action Committee.
With over 1,000 members, the Chester County Fraternal Order of Police is the largest association of law enforcement personnel in Chester County.
“At our monthly meeting, members spoke very highly of Pat Meehan’s past accomplishments and undivided attention to upcoming issues that affect the working conditions of our membership,” said Kevin Moore and John Bailey, the Legislative Committee of the Chester County FOP. “First Responders need someone like Pat Meehan in Congress and we very much stand with him and support his campaign.”
“I am truly grateful for the Montgomery and Chester County FOP’s support of my candidacy for Congress,” said Pat Meehan. “Throughout my career as a prosecutor, I’ve had the privilege to work closely with law enforcement personnel from across Southeastern Pennsylvania. I look forward to the opportunity to fight for issues important to first responders in Washington.”