Chief of Staff Spotlight: Gabe Neville

At PoliticsPA, we love staffers as much as elected officials. That’s why we’re bringing you the latest installment in our ongoing feature, Chief of Staff Spotlight. Each week, we’ll introduce you to one of the people who make the PA delegation possible.

We’ve chosen at random, and this week we present Gabe Neville, Chief of Staff for Rep. Joe Pitts (R-16).




What is your name?

Gabe Neville


Who is your boss?

Rep. Joe Pitts


When is your birthday?

May 4


Where did you grow up?

Chester County


Where did you go to college and what was your major?

Franklin and Marshall College, Government


Are you married, dating, single?



Do you have any kids? If so, what are their names?

Two boys, Sam and Michael




What was your first political job?

Aide to State Rep. Ray Bunt (R, Montgomery-147)


What was your biggest break in politics?

Winning a Democrat-majority precinct for a Republican candidate who wasn’t supposed to win. I was 14 and I was hooked for life.


What was your position when you first started in the office?

Campaign Manager


What was the worst job outside of politics that you ever had?

Ditch digging (the boss called it “landscaping”).




What has been your proudest single accomplishment/achievement since working on Capitol Hill?

Telling Abramoff’s cronies to get lost—BEFORE the scandal.


What is your favorite PA sports team?



Where and what do you eat lunch on most days?

My desk.


Favorite “political” movie?

Amazing Grace


Blackberry or I-Phone?



What political figure do you most admire (excluding your boss), and a sentence or two why?

Gov. Christie.  He’s got the guts to tell it like it is.


What makes a Chief of Staff “good” and why? advice would you give to the aspiring Chiefs of Staff out there?

Trust has to roll down hill.  Member has to trust you and you have to trust your staff.

One Response

  1. Gabe– you called Friday and I was in meetings all day, coul dnot call back.
    You are likely respondng to my email expressing dissatisfaction over a reponse I got, a form letter not even related to that which I wrote about…Egypt getting UNDESERVED foreign aid. The “Muslim Brotherhood” could care less about America.
    Like most Americans, I am totally disgusted with Congress, the WASTE, the persk they get, their immunity from Obama care., the privildged ones feeding on our tax dollars… …Joe Pitts is a nice guy but BADLY Needs to retire…WHAT HAS HE DONE TO FIGHT THIS MARXIST OBAMA????
    We need some new blood in there and I am voting for Jim Bednarski, as are MANY of my friends and associates.. He makes TOTAL sense to me.
    Thanks for your time
    Joel Langdon

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