A new TV ad from Hillary Clinton portrays Donald Trump as lacking respect for Military Veterans. by showing veterans and their families react to his most controversial statements.
Hillary Clinton for America has been airing this thirty-second spot, called “Sacrifice,” in Pennsylvania as well as Iowa, Nevada, Ohio and Florida.
“I know more about ISIS then the Generals do,” Trump states with the image of an elderly man wearing a Retired U.S. Navy hat being shown. The reflection of Trump on the man’s television is visible in the background.
The next series of clips are of a man who has a prosthetic leg sitting with his family and Donald Trump in the background saying, “John McCain a war hero…He’s not a war hero…He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured, OK.”
A news reporter then states, “Donald Trump compared his sacrifices to the two parents who lost their son in war.” This is paired with video of a man who has a disfigured face from combat and a woman sitting next to a picture of her son who was most likely killed in action. She also has two dog tags: one with her son’s face and the other with the word “mom.”
The commercial finishes with a clip of Trump being asked about Khizr Khan’s speech at the Democratic National Convention.
George Stephanopoulos poses the question, “How would you answer that father? What sacrifices have you made for your country?” Donald Trump responds with, “ I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. Built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success.” Stephanopoulos follows with, “Those are sacrifices?” This exchange is viewed on TV by former Senator Max Cleland who lost three limbs in Vietnam.
4 Responses
Our Gov. needs to stop overthrowing foreign Governments or attempting to do so, ( Cuba, Ukraine, Syria, Libya, etc.) It is illegal for us to violently overthrow our own government, why does this not apply to the U.S gov. overthrowing foreign gov. (maybe we wouldn’t have so many damaged veterans) Who ever our next president is they need to understand this. You Know what Hillary will do, what will Trump do!
Trump thinks our Generals are “rubble.”
He doesn’t know that there already is a system for trying criminal cases within the military.
Trump wants to steal oil from other countries.
He’s a moron. And the Republicans who nominated him should be ashamed of themselves.
Trump is human garbage. He should be in jail after Hillary crushes him in November.
Trumpy doesn’t care about Veterans. Trumpy only cares about Trumpy.