Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania made Rep. Gene DiGirolamo (R-Bucks) its first target in a statewide campaign to pressure Republicans into more conservative positions.
A series of mail pieces arrived this week at the homes of likely Republican voters in various legislative districts across the state.
CAP is a conservative organization that frequently organizes campaigns to expose Republicans they believe to be beholden to union or other “big spending” interest groups.
“We’re launching a voter education project targeting union owned Republicans. The first round is going to start this week; exact timing will vary by district. This effort will last through Christmas,” CAP Executive Director Leo Knepper told PoliticsPA. “We will be targeting districts to inform voters how members of the General Assembly have voted on issues affecting taxpayers. In some instances, we will also highlight public positions that folks have taken.”
The front of the DiGirolamo mailer features a shadowy outline and the following text:
- He is one of the most liberal members of EITHER party in Harrisburg
- He received an award from one of the most left-wing socialist groups in Harrisburg for his advocacy of welfare spending
- He has never met a spending increase or government program he didn’t love
- And he was the only Republican to call on Governor Corbett to implement “ObamaCare” in Pennsylvania
- Who is the masked liberal?
The back of the mailer shows DiGirolamo and urges constituents to call his office and, “Tell him to stop voting with liberal special interest groups.”
CAP declined to provide a specific list of its targets. Earlier this year, CAP targeted Senator Chuck McIlhinney (R-Bucks) for not supporting liquor privatization. Senators Pat Vance (R-Cumberland) and Gene Yaw (R-Lycoming) have also been victims of television ads for their support of Governor Rendell budgets.
DiGirolamo has held his seat since 1995 and is one of the lead voices for health and human services in Pennsylvania, and for the past two terms he has been the majority chairman of the House Human Services Committee.
PoliticsPA is seeking comment from DiGirolamo.
14 Responses
I’ve tried contacting Rep DiGirokamo twice to find out where he stands on certain issues but to no avail. I’ve been a resident of Bensalem for 15 years and I think it’s time to get rid of the, “ole boy’s, including the City Council but not Bryan Allen.
I have to laugh when a group like CAP, or others who live outside a district, seem to think they can ignore the political realities of a local situation, and simply impose some simplistic left-right or tea party template to create change. Do they think Bensalem voters are unaware of Gene’s politics? Do they honestly believe there is some hidden Tea Party movement that will all of a sudden manifest itself and overwhelm the entrenched Bensalem GOP machine? If this were likely, or even possible, why didn’t it happen in 2010 or 2012 when this movement still had some momentum? Gene’s politics haven’t changed, and neither have the political dynamics of Bensalem. The township went 58% for Obama in 2012. Gene won with more than 60% the last 2 times he had an opponent in ’06 and ’08. This makes furtile ground for a primary challenge? Gene has more to fear from a lightning strike or a shark attack than from a possible election challenge from the right or the left.
Although Gene is a friend of ours, we have been “on his case” about his support of the Medicaid expansion bill and the consequences of what happens to PA taxpayers after the “free money” dries up in year 4 (2016) which will leave PA taxpayers on the hook for $400 Million dollars a year!
If Gene doesn’t start listening to his “Right flank”, he could be in for a rocky road!
CAP should save it’s money for districts where they stand a chance of making a difference. DiGirolamo, like his uncle the Mayor of Bensalem, will hold that seat as long as he wants to, because the people of Bensalem have made it clear that is who they want representing them. The Democrats don’t even bother running a candidate against him, and there hasn’t been a contested Republican primary in a Bensalem race for more than a decade, and I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for one. CAP is wasting its time.
They should target State Rep Double Dip Duane Milne.
Two taxpayers salaries one at West Chester U and one as a legislator. Two taxpayer pensions. Received a shout out from the teachers union for blocking pension reform. See the union flyer for Milne at the link
The voting record is the ONLY thing that matters. The state and national GOP is the embarrasment and we’re not going away;)
Good for CAP. Rep. DiGirolamo is too dumb to realize he is a Democrat. Personally, I’d rather focus on the Senate, where liquor privatization can’t even get done, but reps like DiGirolamo are an embarrassment to the party as well.
Better Call Saul – personally I’d take a moderate Republican in this district over DiGirolamo. He is to the left of most Western PA Dems.
Keep pushing your Teabag agenda, CAP, because extremist conservatism has been doing oh so well in the political arena these days!
Don, you’re right on. Representative Digirolamo and Representative Murt uphold my faith in the legislative process. They are two elected officials who genuinely care for their constituents, always vote their conscience, and work tirelessly to improve the lives of Pennsylvanians with disAbilities. We are lucky to have Representative DiGirolamo around! Thanks for all your good work Representative DiGirolamo!
Please tell me how a conservative Republican would win in these districts.
I’m eagerly looking forward to your response.
Wow, the RINOs are really irritated by this! Let’s hope CAP widens their range and lays into Bill Shuster next!
These smarmy attack groups like Citizens Alliance of Pennsylvania need to be ignored and eliminated. Where do they get the money to run their smear campaigns and pay their political hacks to spread lies and half truths?
Imagine that, an elected official who represents his district
These CAP losers clearly have no idea what they’re doing and would rather see a Dem hold this seat than a Republican
That I have a problem with
I have found Rep. DiGirolamo to be one of the most compassionate, accessible, and genuinely human politicians I’ve ever met. I try to avoid assumptions as a rule, but I can only assume Mr. Knepper does not know DiGirolamo, and is basing his work purely on the Representative’s voting record.
DiGirolamo is in touch with the people of the 18th district, issuing timely, valuable, relevant information to the voters he serves. He picks up his phone, he answers his emails, he gets s**t done for the people who voted him in. The people will answer Knepper’s “voter education project” by reelecting this outstanding public servant.
Guys like Knepper who blow good money on old fashioned smear campaigns, hidden behind the semantics of language are an embarrassment to the Republican party.