Conservative Group Targets Wagner in Radio Ad

The conservative group American Principles Project launched a new radio ad and website targeting Gubernatorial candidate and state Sen. Scott Wagner (R-York) over Senate Bill 974.

APP’s taking issue with the provision of the bill that allows transgender students to use bathrooms that correspond with the gender identity.  

“[SB974] is a piece of legislation that incredibly allows a boy to shower with your daughter at school,” the voice over says in the ad.  

The website,, continues to push against Wagner and the bill, directly comparing Wagner to Governor Tom Wolf for his support of the bill.  On the website, APP claims the bill would hurt children, women, sexual abuse survivors, and religious individuals.  

Wagner would not be the first Republican running for an executive office position to support transgender individuals using the bathroom they feel is appropriate.  In an appearance on NBC’s Today Show in 2016, Trump said people should “bathroom that they feel is appropriate.”  

APP is a conservative group that pushes to increase the role of religion in daily life, according to its website.

“Scott, like an overwhelming majority of Pennsylvanians, believes no one should be discriminated against when trying to buy a home or land a job. As a business leader, he has fought to end discrimination in the workplace and the housing market.  This ad is nothing more than a misrepresentation of Scott’s record. This bill doesn’t address bathrooms, and Senator Wagner would oppose any bill that does what the American Principal Project alleges,” Wagner’s campaign spokesman Andrew Romeo said.  

You can view the ad below.

7 Responses

  1. Why are conservatives so obsessed with everybody’s bathroom habits???
    Wagner will get in line as soon as scabies face Bannon tells him what to say.

  2. Paul — do you report everything you hear other people saying? Do your homework — as in maybe read the bill. It’s an easy one. There is no “provision of the bill that allows transgender students to use bathrooms that correspond with the gender identity.” If you do this while you’re a young journalist, PoliticsPA readers should all be pretty stupid(er) by the time you’re a grown up.

  3. I have full confidence Scott Wagner will bumble his way through this tempest in a teapot and gain the Republican Nomination for Governor. He will then be soundly defeated next November.

  4. WEll, this group – APP – just lost all credibility by not doing it’s homework and exaggerating what SB 974 is all about. People are so tired of this political BS and the constant spin that’s barely true enough not to a complete lie.

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