On another satire-filled night of “The Daily Show”, a show on Comedy Central hosted by Jon Stewart, Pennsylvania’s very own Gov. Tom Corbett was given his own small piece in a segment titled “2014 Homophobic Olympics.”
In the section, Stewart and correspondent Aasif Mandvi focused on different areas of the world where homophobia seemed to be at its most intense, claiming to be looking for a “winner”. The jokes began in India, where being homosexual is illegal, and ran through other countries such as Uganda and Nigeria, where homosexuality is not only illegal, but also punishable by life in prison.
The segment ended on a very local note when Mandvi claimed he was getting an alert about one of the most homophobic remarks yet. The show cut to a shot of Corbett’s interview from Oct. 4, 2013. Corbett said that he felt his legal team’s remark about gay marriage being the same as two 12-year-olds getting married because both were illegal was inappropriate.
Sherry Christian of CBS21 in Harrisburg asked the Governor about a legal brief filed by lawyers for his administration in August. It compared the validity of marriage licenses obtained by same sex couples in Pa. to hypothetical licenses given to a pair of 12-year olds.
Corbett reiterated called that analogy inappropriate. But he proceeded to make an even worse one.
“I think a much better analogy would have been brother and sister, don’t you?”
This, of course, led to Mandvi shouting, “Do you believe in ignorance?” and finished up with he and Stewart chanting, “USA! USA!”
End scene.
Since the original interview that landed Corbett in some hot water, he has backed House Bill 300, which would bring gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people under the umbrella of the state’s non-discrimination protections.
5 Responses
No the question is this: Are civil rights being denied BECAUSE of sexual orientation?
Folks – It’s 2014!!
Equal rights end at Equal rights.
Trouble only appears when those equal rights are denied and when homophobes have a fit of agita because they can’t stand the sight of non-persecuted gay people.
So, how dare a gay person work a couple cubicles over and actually be ‘out’ about it? So, let’s bring back the old days when a couple of drunk office dudes would teach that human being a lesson?
Where then does the denying of equal rights stop?
It’s not an analogy it is a legitimate legal question: if sexual orientation is a civil right-where does it end?
That statement by the ignoramus did more to hurt the economy of PA than any policy. Corporations, start-ups and educated people in general, don’t want to move to a state where the Governor, elected by the people, hold such attitudes.
Do Gov. Corbett, his campaign team or state staff browse PoliticsPA? I know many legislators do.
I have some advice for you, Governor. Take a few hours off of your day today, go down to the local pharmacy, buy yourself some Viagara, and take it because you can use that to go f*** yourself.
I’ve got no time for bigots.