Calls upon the Obama Administration to swiftly accept USW petition
JOHNSTOWN, PA — Congressman Mark S. Critz (PA-12) called upon the Obama Administration to swiftly accept the petition filed today by the United Steelworkers (USW) union that identifies Chinese practices and policies that violate international trade rules.
The 5,800-page submission, filed with the office of United States Trade Representative, identifies five major areas of protectionist and predatory practices utilized by the Chinese to develop their green sector at the expense of production and job creation in the United States.
“China’s extensive use of subsidizing exports of clean energy equipment violates international trade rules and hurts American workers,” said Critz. “These practices threaten the future of America’s alternative energy manufacturing sector and must be stopped immediately.”
Under the law, the Obama Administration has 45 days from the date of filing to determine whether to accept the petition for further action. Critz is urging the Administration to swiftly accept the petition and begin an investigation into this matter.
“American workers are the best in the world when the playing field is level, and we must ensure that it always is,” added Critz. “That is why today I am standing with American steelworkers to ensure that action is taken to protect American workers and create American jobs.”
In July of this year, Critz wrote to President Obama urging a review of Chinese subsidies provided to the paper industry. In the same month, he wrote to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner requesting an investigation in the recent joint venture between a Chinese steel producer and an American steel company.
Also in July, Critz introduced H.R. 6007, the Trade Enforcement Priorities Act, which requires the U.S. Trade Representative to identify practices that inhibit the export of U.S. goods to foreign countries and negotiate remedies to such agreements.
He is a co-sponsor of H.R. 3012, the Trade Reform, Accountability, Development, and Employment (TRADE) Act of 2009, which would direct the Comptroller General to review trade agreements and inform Congress if a foreign country is abiding by regulations similar to our own to even the playing field. He is also a cosponsor of H.R. 2378, the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act of 2009, which would determine whether the exchange rate of the currency of an exporting country is fundamentally and actionably undervalued or overvalued against the U.S. dollar and take certain actions to offset such misalignment.