On Thursday afternoon, state Rep. Margo Davidson (D-Delaware) was charged with misdemeanor charges of Theft, Solicitation to Hinder Apprehension, and Election Code Violations.
Attorney General Josh Shapiro announced the charges against Davidson for “stealing from the Commonwealth by filing fraudulent overnight per diem requests and various expenses through the State House Comptroller’s Office as well as hindering a state prosecution.”
“State Representatives swear an oath to use their office for public service — not fraudulent personal gain,” said Shapiro. “We will uphold the laws of the Commonwealth without bias, and we will continue to uncover corruption wherever it is found.”
The announcement from the Attorney General’s Office said that Davidson waived her preliminary hearing and has paid the restitution of $6,925.
BREAKING: Pa. State Representative Margo Davidson (D-Delaware Co.) charged with theft, solicitation to hinder apprehension.
“…Margo Davidson, 58, requested overnight expenses for nights she did not spend in Harrisburg, and received personal reimbursements from the Commonwealth” pic.twitter.com/s5wi1kxocX
— Joe Holden (@JoeHoldenCBS3) July 22, 2021
The Associated Press reports that Davidson announced her resignation in a written statement released through her attorney, Geoffrey Johnson.
“Today, I sadly announce my resignation and take legal responsibility for improper record keeping and reimbursement of expenses,” Davidson said in a written statement. “I further take responsibility for and regret not fully participating with the investigation.”
The announcement from the Attorney General’s Office said that a Grand Jury found that Davidson “requested overnight expenses for nights she did not spend in Harrisburg and received personal reimbursements” from the state “for expenses that had been paid for by her campaign,” and that she’s also been charged for “failure to report campaign finance information, as well as soliciting a witness to lie during the course of the investigation.”
Davidson was first elected to represent the 164th state House District in 2010 after besting Republican Maureen Carey by 7 points. She fended off Democratic primary challengers in 2014 and 2016 and ran unopposed in 2020.
In 2018, Davidson finished in 9th place in the Democratic primary for the 5th Congressional District. She also considered a run for Lt. Governor in 2014, but never formally joined the race.
During this session, she has served as the Democratic Chair on the State Government Committee, plus as a member on the Government Oversight Committee.
17 Responses
Let’s all just take a deep breath, stop hating, and work together to make life better for working folks?
I heard from some of my friends that State Representative Margo Davidson was a serial criminal. I am going to try to make sure that Pennsylvania’s 164th Legislative District has a fighter in the race against the Democrats, who are taking this country down to socialism.
I think you are missing the fact that the constituents of that district don’t care that she did those things – otherwise she wouldn’t have been reelected with such minimal opposition.
They will elect another person who may be just as reprehensible.
Go get an R to run. No one cares.
The Dems aren’t taking this country down to socialism. You clearly don’t know what socialism is and are repeating a FoxNews or other right-wing ignorant talking point.
The Republicans want to restrict voting. That’s a lot worse than the fiction of “socialism”.
can any of my patriot friends give me a hand? I’m burning in hell and I could use some AC
You’re sick in the head. Truly.
I wonder if she cut a deal with AG Shapiro’s office to somehow save her state pension by pleading guilty to some kind of lesser charge than does not involve a state pension forfeiture.
She’s a f_*k up and an embarrassment. Good riddance.
Web page on PA house plus Email still active!
What gives, should be locked out.
Guess this means she still has her state assigned car and is taking per diem
Wasn’t her state assigned car taken away because she kept crashing them?
Isn’t this one of her many thefts from taxpayers?
Besides paying restitution and resigning… what is the sentencing range on these charges? Does the amount cross a sentencing threshold?
Jail time? House arrest? Some form of probation plus Community service?
New and Better Hair Style? It is obvious that this blonde will no longer be having more fun with her state expense account. All joking aside, It is loss. she was actually a somewhat independent legislator by Pennsylvania standards. Her replacement that will be hand selected by the Democratic Party for the special election will vote as their told.
a loss?
This idiot has been in trouble with the law consistently. She is a terrible person – and yes, you idiots, I can say that based upon her history of criminal activity that has been brushed under the rug to the detriment of the public. She should have walked away from office years ago. But, unfortunately, she was allowed to stay and continue stealing and bilking tax payers.
Spare me the loss comment. She belongs behind bars and flipping burgers as a lesson in humility and consequence until she demonstrates some semblance of integrity and respect for anyone but herself.
“By Pennsylvania standards..” .. LOL
Her original district had a lot of Republicans, so her more “conservative” bend was a better match to that district. However, after redistricting, the district was solidly Democratic and more liberal. Her position on abortion rights and public schools over charter schools were some of the reasons she had two separate primary fights.
The money she got from the PA charter school PAC and her votes for their agenda always seemed like quid-pro-quo bribery… but Josh Shapiro will never prosecute anyone on that since he got $150,000 from the very same PAC (likely so he would look the other way).
I’m surprised by how low the restitution number is. I would have guessed the amount of “grifting” would have exceeded $20,000 or $25,000, given how long she was in office and the number of opportunities.