DCCC Promotes Badey to Red to Blue

George Badey

Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) named George Badey of PA-07 to its Red to Blue list. Badey, an attorney, is attempting to close the gap between himself and incumbent Rep. Pat Meehan.

“This race is competitive because voters in the seventh district are appalled by the fact that Pat Meehan voted to end Medicare as we know it – despite having pledged never to do so – and they’re equally upset at his votes to restrict women’s health care and reproductive rights,” said Badey.

“George will continue to stand up to special interests and Republicans in Congress to stop efforts to end Medicare to pay for another tax break for millionaires and to stop politicians from taking control over women’s health care decisions,” said Congressman Steve Israel, Chairman of the DCCC.

The DCCC’s Red to Blue program highlights top Democratic campaigns across the country and offers them financial, communications, grassroots, and strategic support. In Badey’s case, the designation could help him gain traction against Meehan, a favorite to win re-election.

Two Democrats in neighboring districts – Manan Trivedi in PA-6 and Kathy Boockvar in PA-8 – were already on the DCCC’s list. Larry Maggi, the challenger to Rep. Tim Murphy in southwestern Pa., is on the committee’s “Races to Watch” list.

While the 7th district was traditionally seen as GOP territory, Demographic trends have turned it more blue. The seat was overtaken by Democrat Joe Sestak in 2006 but, when Sestak ran for U.S. Senate in 2010, Republicans won it back. After redistricting, it now leans slightly in Republicans’ favor; but presidential year turnout may balance the GOP’s geographic advantage.

Meehan’s campaign dismissed the notion that the race is close, and not just because the Congressman finished the second quarter in June with $1.4 million to Badey’s $200K.

“There’s a reason every prominent elections expert considers Congressman Meehan a strong favorite for victory in November: his proven record of independent leadership and his focus on creating jobs, growing our economy and balancing our budget,” said Meehan campaign spokesman John Elizandro.

He cited prominent experts such as Stuart Rothenberg, the National Journal’s House Race Rankings, and Roll Call who believe the race for the 7th isn’t significantly competitive.

24 Responses

  1. The level of partisan bickering occurring on this article is ridiculous! We need to look at the facts. As a moderate independent, I support Pat Meehan because he is an independent thinker who cares about this community. Yes he supported the Ryan budget and repeal of Obamacare, but he has also teamed up with Democrats to save the Philadelphia oil refinery and to promote the dredging of the Delaware River. He has also fought for legislation supported by the Teachers Union and has been endorsed by a local labor union. How does that not sound independent minded? I wish every politician would vote their conscience, which means voting for legislation no matter which party supports it.

  2. Badey can’t win so long as no one knows who he is and not showing up to events with hundreds of people in his township is a good way to make sure no one knows who he is.

  3. @ Big C
    You are wrong about the numbers, first of all, but I’m glad there are short sighted people out there like yourselves. It will make Gene’s victory so much more enjoyable to prove people like yourself wrong.

    The avalanche hasn’t even started yet. By November Lou is going to be hiding under the bed, sucking his thumb. Watch and see.

  4. Badey should be embarrassed that the DCCC has to step in and help his fundraising. It shows his lack of initiative in winning a congressional seat. If he has to rely on the DCCC, then what is he going to do if he is elected? Seems like a rubber stamp in the making….

  5. The fact that Badey wasn’t at the Radnor Fall Festival this week shows the lack of campaign seriousness. As a long-time resident of Radnor, I am frankly disturbed that Badey ignored his Radnor base. Meehan showed and I had a nice conversation with him. Now he’s a candidate that knows what’s worth fighting for! I was on the fence, but now I know who’s taking this seriously. Sorry George, won’t be getting my vote.

  6. The “medicare as we know it” line is so tired and misused. You can’t just keep kicking the can down the road. Medicare’s trustees acknowledge it’ll be bankrupt by 2024. Ryan’s plan may not be perfect but it’s certainly better than flat out ignoring the problem and hoping it solves itself. If Badey had a plan to do that, I think he could talk. He doesn’t and as a result I think he’s grasping at straws and is making a fool of himself.

  7. The National Journal is too hardcore right wing for the Badey folks. That’s what you’re going to get with another Pelosi-Badey House, more left wing big government laws that send American jobs to China and the rest of us right the hell off the fiscal cliff. No thanks. I’ll take a moderate that can work with both Dems and Repubs

  8. Look at Mr. Meehan’s votes of consequence…the Ryan budget twice, against healthcare reform, the multiple attempts to repeal healthcare reform to reopen the doughnut hole & bankrupt medicare by 2016 so we all have to go into a voucher program, and supporting and voting for every extreme position that comes down the pike with the intent to make Barack Obama a one term president (his district b the way voted heavily for Obama last time and a majority probably will again), backing Mitt Romney without question when Romney openly admits he has turned his back on half the population…so answer the question…whose interest is Mr. Meehan serving?
    George Badey is not perfect…but we need to change the current make-up of the House of Representatives…and flipping the 7th back to blue is certainly a step in the right direction.

  9. This is a reaaaaal stretch. Meehan is killing Badey in fundraising, and Badey has done a very poor job getting his name out there. All articles I’ve read about him are just attacks on Meehan instead of trying to prove why he is a better option. Meehan also just got endorsed by one of the largest unions in the area, a huge boost to a Republican candidate for obvious reasons. He is generally well liked, and is known in the area from his time as a Delco DA and U.S. District Attorney. It would’ve taken a much better candidate and a much better run campaign to knock off Meehan. This is too little too late from the DCCC as they scramble to try and fix the mess they created in southeast PA

  10. Haters gonna hate. Pat Meehan and all his lackeys commenting on this article should be scared of George Badey because he is going to be our next Congressman! Meehan is a liar and a politician at its worst he claims he wants to protect women yet votes against the Violence Against Women Act, he says he is for jobs but voted against the American Jobs Act, and laughably he says he fights for the middle class but voted against tax cuts for working families. George Badey is the solution!

  11. I think the National Journal’s scoring system and which votes they are using is probably the culprit here. Also, the article is from Feb 2012 and doesn’t include the most of this year’s voting.

    Meehan’s voting is more conservative than conservative douche-bags Critz, Altmire and Holder (who are really Republicans that the Dems have been stuck with). Meehan’s pretty much an empty suit (which goes well with his empty head).

  12. Delco Observer: Views like that are what’s creating the crippling partisanship we see today. Just because somebody isn’t registered to your preferred party doesn’t mean they are the most extreme member of the opposite party. Trying to trumpet Pat Meehan as Republican lacky and tea party sympathizer is an absolute joke. He is considered one of the most independent voters in Congress. The DCCC is really deluding itself with trying to put this as red to blue.

  13. Stone:

    I don’t need DCCC email blasts.
    I live in his district and have followed Mr. Meehan’s career for a long time.
    In every government job he has held (which are the only jobs he has held) he always follows his leader.
    On every vote of consequence, he goes with the right wingers and ignores the people in his district.

  14. @cheese wiz!

    Barletta’s district has morphed 10 points more Republican from the previous district (Old: D+4, New: R+6), so there was no real chance anyway barring a wave election, which this year is not (and even that’s a stretch). And what is Gene Stilp’s only claim to fame apart from his pathetic fundraising and losing every election he’s run in…….an inflatable pig!!! An amateur candidate if I ever saw one!

  15. Can’t make heads or tails of this new district I find myself living in. It’s such a strange hodgepodge of different unrelated communities it could only have been designed by a cynical jerk who has no respect for anything other than rigging elections in his party’s favor.

  16. This just in: DCCC sues Allison Schwartz for gross malpractice as a result of her horrible PA congressional candidate recruitment. WORST candidate recruits ever in the history of the Commonwealth of any party. Bravo Allison, thanks to your complete incompetence not only do Dems not pickup ANY Republican seats, the Mark Critz seat flips to Keith Rothfus.

  17. to delco observer:
    I really hope you are George Badey’s close family relative, because that would be the only thing that would make your complete disregard for facts or critical thinking excusable. Meehan’s record speaks for itself, if you would take 15 minutes to learn about him. He’s a proven and effective prosecutor, an independent republican who has supported legislation from both political parties (he even sponsored a bill backed by the Teachers’ Union!). “delco observer” should take his/her embarrassing stupidity to another county. Let’s go PAT!!

  18. They must have Republicans running the place. It’s either that or they really don’t know what the hell they are talking about.
    Nothing against Badey or Trivedi or Bookvar, or all the others, BUT

    They keep overlooking Gene Stilp. The only candidate who actually will win. When it happens, I hope everyone on the “Red to Blue” committee gets fired for incompetence.

    Incidentally, Stilp was featured on Comedy Central today: http://www.indecisionforever.com/blog/2012/09/17/one-of-a-kind-candidate-gene-stilp-11th-congressional-district-middle-paxton-pa

  19. Mr. Elizandro: Stop reading the talking points. The ONLY reason Mr. Meehan is such a favorite is because nobody understands the district at this point, thanks to Mr. Meehan’s GOP buddies and the arm twisting done in Harrisburg to make his district safer for him. Another significant reason for his safety is that Joe Sestak decided not to run. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Mr. Meehan or the “job” he has done following Boehner and Cantor’s Orders.
    Mr. Meehan is the antithesis of “independent leadership” and has shown no focus or commitment to helping the everyday, working families and children in his district when it requires him to deviate from his hard-right masters’ orders.
    Mr. Meehan is a disgrace and I am ashamed to say he is my congressman.
    Good luck, Mr. Badey. I wish you well. I hope lightning strikes and you defeat this poseur, Mr. Meehan.

  20. Great investment decision…falls in line with the democratic fiscal decision making process nationwide. I guess they will not have a budget at all in the race, just spend whatever they feel like spending!

  21. So, in an election where Dems can optimistically hope to pick up only 5-10 seats, PA-7 is the 53rd on their list of targets? What a joke!

    How much is DCCC really going to spend on that race?? Methinks they are keeping their powder dry, getting ready to turn “Fitzpatrick” into a dirty word in SEPA.

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