Debate: Leach v. Metcalfe on Guns

Leach, left, and Metcalfe

Mark this on your calendar. Polar opposites Daylin Leach and Daryl Metcalfe will debate gun control on Dom Giordano’s Radio Show, 1210 AM in the Philadelphia area.

You can listen online here at 10:30am tomorrow (Friday the 21st).

The issue has become one of the most discussed in the country and in Pa. in the wake of the tragic school shootings in Newtown Connecticut.

As a refresher, Sen. Leach (D-Montco) has been a consistent voice for what liberals call gun safety and conservatives call gun control. He plans to introduce two new bills next session: one to limit the number of firearms purchases to one per month, another to mandate the reporting of lost or stolen firearms within 48 hours.

Rep. Metcalfe (R-Butler) is one of the legislature’s fiercest gun rights advocates. He told the Philadelphia Inquirer of such measures, “There will be no additional gun control in Pennsylvania. I will not allow the left to use this horrific act to advance their gun-grabbing agenda. The support is not there in Pennsylvania.”

11 Responses

  1. Rock, you think “Leach is a genius” your being sarcastic right? This guy is a bumbling fool. He has no clue how crude and obnoxious he is, he thinks the voters would be OK with his illegal pay raise, then the moron defends it in the Inquirer. His humor is below sophomoric. He says he is not rich because he files his taxes separately from his wife, so we are to believe her millions aren’t his, or that she doesn’t trust him with her money. He is the King of the Fools, and I think that is how he likes it. 11 years of his crap and what has he done but embarrass the voters.

  2. If Leach thinks he can push gun control legislation through the Republican-controlled assembly and get it signed by a Republican governor, he’s nuts.

  3. You can be a friend of Daryl Metcalfe on face book until you disagree with him then he will defriend you.
    His behavior sounds like a fascist to me…….. but what do I know other than I was defriended.

  4. Daylin Leach, in typical Progessive manner, believes he has the power to rewrite the Constitution. Daryl Metcalfe, conducting himself as an elected public servant, understands he is bound by sworn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.
    Leach has an insatiable desire for power; Metcalfe continues to empower the people.

  5. Of course these two attention whores want to debate guns. It allows them to avoid the real issue of Mental Healthcare which is far more difficault.

    This is hyperbole about the method and not the cause.

  6. This is not a fair fight, Leach is a genius, quick on feet and humorous to boot. Metcalfe is an in-bred angry curmudgeon with no ability to think on his feet.

  7. those two measures don’t seem too extreme, Mr. Metcalf is, of course, trying to make a scene like always because he has nothing else to stand up for. He is outdated and sad.

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