Dem Fall State Committee Preview

Valley Forge Casino ResortStampede warning. The state Democratic party is holding its seasonal meeting this weekend at the Valley Forge Casino Resort and lots of candidates will be there.

It’s the first chance committee members will have to look at the (almost) complete field of gubernatorial candidates. Plus, hopefuls for the open congressional seat in PA-13 are likely to be on hand.

Although the time and location are yet to be determined, the Ed Pawlowski and Allyson Schwartz campaigns have already said that they will be holding receptions.

It should prove to be quite the occasion as the party prepares for the all-important election year of 2014.

The schedule for the weekend is as follows:

Friday, September 27, 2013


Social Organizing & New Digital Outreach
Ballroom South
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

The Fight for Education – Corbett’s School Funding Crisis
Ballroom South
2:45 to 3:45 p.m.

Best Practice Session
Ballroom South
4:00 to 5:00

Credential Table
Ballroom Foyer (front of North/South Ballroom)
4:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Caucus Chair Meeting
Bryn Mawr Room
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM

“Taking our Place at the Table, The Journey after our Oath”
Women’s Caucus Open Table II
Conestoga Room
5:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Panel: State Reps. Mary Jo Daley, Phyllis Mundy, Pam Delissio, Madeline Dean.

Pennsylvania Democratic Party Jefferson Jackson Dinner
Waterford Ballroom
7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
The headline speakers will be Senator Bob Casey and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar.

Pennsylvania Democratic Party Dessert Reception
Grand Ballroom
9:30 to 11:00 PM
Proceeds go to PA College Democrats. Reception is included in the Jefferson Jackson Dinner ticket purchase. Tickets are the door will be $25 and handed out at a first come first serve basis.

Pawlowski Campaign Event
Suites 412-413
Time: 9:30pm
Pawlowski’s campaign will be holding a cocktail party in their suites and said more information would be available on Friday.

Young Democrats Happy Hour
Valley Tavern
11:30 PM to 1:00 AM
The PA Young Dems know how to party. If this weekend is anything like past state committee meetings, this is the place to be.

Saturday September 28, 2013

Credential Table
Ballroom Foyer
8:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Constituency Caucus
8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

Standing Committees
9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

Executive Committee Meeting
North Ballroom
10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

Chairs Meeting
North Ballroom
10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Constituency and Standing Committee Chairs Meeting
Haverford Room
10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Regional Caucus
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Montgomery County Hospitality Reception
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
Local Dems, including Allyson Schwartz’s campaign, is hosting a “Local Montgomery County Hospitality” reception on Saturday right with lunch before the general session.

State Committee Meeting
Waterford Ballroom
1:00 PM

This is the meeting where the official business of the party is conducted.

Watch for a rematch of the fracking battle that took place at the summer meeting. Committee members voted then to add a call for a moratorium to the party’s platform. Pro-Marcellus members of the committee might try to undo the vote. Republicans have had a field day with the resolution as environmental advocates have cheered it.

At least one industry group will be there to lobby against the moratorium resolution.

“Consumer Energy Alliance Mid-Atlantic, will be at the Democratic State Committee meeting today and Saturday asking PA State Representatives and Senators about their position on the moratorium,” a spokeswoman wrote in an email to PoliticsPA. “The organization recently queried legislators on this topic and have been posting the results online.”

10 Responses

  1. Nathaniel-
    I agree. Those are two of the least likely to be in fracker’s pocket.

    If they were, they’d have a lot more money in their campaign accounts. 🙂

  2. I suggest that anyone interested enough in politics to post a comment on an article like this one needs to avoid the extremist thinking and language that are dragging down both the Republican party and our national and state legislative functions. Not every public servant is crooked, the PA Dem party is not the worst organized in the country, and it is preposterous to say that gubernatorial candidates Hanger and McGinty are in the frackers’ pocket. Issues are complicated and political decisions are difficult.

  3. Correction, the last time the PA Democrats met in Pittsburgh was in the Spring of 2009!

  4. Life-long Democrat and Democratic State Committee member for many years here. I live near the Ohio line.

    The last time the PA Democratic Party held a meeting in Pittsburgh was in the spring of 2010. There have only been 2 meetings West of Harrisburg since then. In the meantime the party has gone back to this stupid casino in Valley Forge in 2010, 2012, and again this weekend. And give zero consideration for those of us who have to drive seven hours to get there.

    We are supposed to be the Democratic State Committee, not the Democratic Cater to South-East Pennsylvania Committee. Please pay attention to the West, real Democrats actually still live out here!

  5. Paindy-

    Is it even slightly possible for you to post something remotely relevant to the actual topic at hand?

    Try reading the story above where you enter a comment and check if anything you write mentions anything in the story BEFORE you click the the “post comment” button.

  6. After Rob Gleason, PA’s #1 Race Hustler and Corbett demonize Obamacare for 5 years, now they go to the Obama Administration to seek approval of CorbettCare the handiwork of Branstetter-Nutt-Gromis/Baker. Is anyone to take this incredibly cynical effort seriously? Isn’t it time these policy innovators, started planning the Brabender/Corbett library?

  7. From Diane Ravitch blog “Soon after the elections, the mega-corporation K12 convened a conference call with investors to boast about the opening of new markets for virtual charters in Georgia and Washington State.

    K12 is the company founded by the Milken brothers to sell online schooling for-profit.

    It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Its CEO, Ron Packard, has a background at McKinsey and Goldman Sachs. Last year, he was paid $5 million.

    The academic results of its schools are poor. The National Education Policy Center reviewed K12 and found that its students fare poorly in relation to test scores and graduation rates. The NCAA won’t accept credits from one of its online schools. The New York Times wrote a blistering critique of K12.

    But K12, like some other charter operators, makes campaign contributions (as it did in Georgia), and the politicians care more about those contributions than about the children of their state.” HOW DID K12 INC. GET A BUDGET SECRETARY AND SHADOW EDUCATION SECRETARY IN THE CORBETT-BRABENDER ADMINSTRATION IN CHARLES B ZOGBY?

  8. Let’s all watch the State Dems cave on Fracking, in exchange for campaign contributions. Fast Eddie Rendell WORKS for the Frackers, and he will be promising lots of green in return for Poisoning our State. Even his former DEP secretaries, while running for Gov., are in the Frackers’ pocket. The environment doesn’t mean a thing to these bums. Screw the State Committee – they don’t represent me or any Dem I know, and they are the least effective political organization in the country. All they do is make deals and lose elections.

  9. There comes a time in a person’s life when you get a call to action. I’ve decided to commence writing a political expose on the Corbett Administration. I am not sure whether it will be straight forward prose or a roman a clef in the style of PRIMARY COLORS. My book will be published as an Ebook under the pseudonym JACK BURDEN. I will ask and GOD WILLING answer many questions: 1. Why does Brabender continue to have so influence much in Pennsylvania? 2. What influence did strategic political advisor John Brabender have on Prosecutions when Corbett was AG? 3. Why was Daddy NUTT appointed to be Chair of our Turnpike Commission.? 4. At what amount does a special interest need to contribute to get a Budget Secretary and another Shadow cabinet position? 5. What was so threatening to the interests of k12 inc. that Charles Zogby allegedly had to order a political hit on Bill Harner? I am open to the proposition of having Signor Ferrari as a co-author. Looking forward to candid discussions with the PATERNO family. I think the working Harrisburg press has been derelict in their duty of informing voters of the blantantly inherent conflicts in the Brabender/Corbett Adminstration. My researchers are in place. Expected publication Labor Day 2014.

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