Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are meeting today in Pittsburgh, and Democrats from there to DC are opening fire. Standard Romney protest events are super-charged by efforts to preempt any possible endorsement by Santorum.
First up is the video above, courtesy of the Democratic National Committee. It’s your standard opposing-party-highlights-losing-primary-candidate-bashing-winner angle, focused on Romney’s record of job creation as Governor.
“If Mitt Romney’s an economic heavyweight, we’re in trouble, because he was 47th out of 50 in job creation in the state of Massachusetts when he was governor,” says Santorum in a summary of the entire video.
Next is the Obama campaign, which organized a press conference in Pittsburgh for 8:30 this morning.
Party, union and business leaders will hammer the same theme, job creation, plus manufacturing. The event includes Allegheny County Democratic Party Chairwoman Nancy Mills, Allegheny Councilman and USW District 10 Director John DeFazio, Business Manager for the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 66 Jim Kunz, and other Pittsburgh area leaders.
“Mitt Romney believes the best way to grow the economy is to return to the policies that devastated it. As Governor, Romney repeatedly cut funding for small manufacturers’ workforce training, and manufacturing in Massachusetts declined at twice the national average and job growth lagged at 47th out of all 50 states,” OFA’s press release said.
And finally, the AFL-CIO is getting on board, too. PA’s largest labor organization issued a press release this morning that is a smorgasbord of anti-Romney talking points.
“Mitt Romney has made union bashing a standard piece of his stump speech, going so far as to say, ‘Unlike Obama, Romney will stand up to Big Labor,’” they said. And, “ Romney said he supported Gov. Kasich and his law to strip collective bargaining rights from 360,000 workers ‘110 percent.’”
One Response
Good show! Democrats throwing red meat (or, in their case, vegan tofu) to their dwindling Occupy sympathizers.
btw – We don’t need to look to Greece to see the future of disastrous Democrat tax-and-spend policies. Paul Krugman’s kleptonomics are already on parade in the California’s basket case economy.