Well Labor Day is behind us, which means we’re now in election season. The only difference is that the gubernatorial election isn’t until next year. In the meantime, though, the PA Democratic Party has set out to hammer Governor Corbett as evidenced by their creation of the website kickoutcorbett.com.
The site, which calls Corbett “America’s Least Effective and Most Out-of-Touch Governor”, is a litany of every controversial and contentious moment of the Governor’s tenure in office. For instance, the homepage mentions the uproar over the legal brief filed by the Governor’s staff that compared same-sex marriage to marriage between 12-year olds.
Perhaps the most damaging attack, though, and the one most likely to be heard throughout the next fourteen months, is the party’s disputed claim that the state now ranks 49th in the nation in job growth.
“The new website, Kick Out Corbett, integrates a number of organizing tools including social organizing, which allows volunteers to use their existing social networks to spread the word about Tom Corbett’s failed record, and a virtual phonebank, which provides a way for supporters to call voters and talk about Tom Corbett’s policies that have hurt Pennsylvania,” said Mark Nicastre, a communications official with the state Democratic Party. “The website will allow Pennsylvania who are fed up with Tom Corbett’s failed policies to reach out to their friends and neighbors to tell them about Tom Corbett’s failed policies.”
Websites like these are a common tactic for a political party to attack an incumbent before they chose their own nominee. The PA Democratic Party may fear the in-fighting among a crowded primary will dominate the news until the primary next spring and seem to be trying to keep the focus on the Governor.
In response to the launch of the website, the Corbett campaign chose to focus instead on Democratic front-runner Allyson Schwartz and her recently unveiled plan for an extraction tax on natural gas.
“Outside of creating sophomoric websites, the only other thing the PA Dems and our opponents like Allyson Schwartz have come up with is new schemes to spend more of the taxpayers hard-earned money and put Pennsylvanians out of work by banning jobs in natural gas,” said Michael Barley, Corbett’s campaign manager.
The Democratic candidates for Governor include former DEP Secretaries John Hanger and Katie McGinty, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, Rep. Allyson Schwartz, and former Department of Revenue Secretary Tom Wolf. State Treasurer Rob McCord is also widely expected to run.
5 Responses
The last few months Mr. Rendell has been supporting several of Mr. Corbett’s initiatives. I was wondering why. Then a friend in the know told me they do not want Corbett to lose in a primary run-off election, because he is a sure loser against any democratic candidate they run in 2014. I hope this is true.
Anyways…what Paindy1 says!
Tom Corbett, COS Gromis-Baker and John Brabender: Pennsylvania’s JOB CREATORS can’t trust you with their health insurance costs and Pennsylvania health care. COS GROMIS-BAKER resign for the JOB CREATORS! Corbett administration: Please disclose Governor Brabender’s contracts with the Pennsylvania health care industry!! http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/opinion/editorials/corbett-care-the-go
My friend from Geisinger Health Systems wants an EQUALIZER!! COS GROMIS-Baker: you’d have no problem with Geisinger retaining Suzy Corbett, would you? http://youtu.be/uB1NiNKwueE
Isn’t it true that Governor John Brabender lives in a supernatural realm above most mere Pennsylvania mortals? Can he and his associates commit Political necrophilia with blatant impunity? Will somebody shed some light on Governor Brabender’s alleged attack ad contract with Highmark? Why is his rumored attack ad contract not something that PA Voters should have the right to know about? Will somebody talk about how the average citizen/rate payer is getting his too because this administration is incapable of looking out for the average guys interest. So what must occur before someone with some true 4th estate gravitas blows the whistle loudly on Brabender and asks COS Gromis-Baker to clean out her office? Does Suzy Corbett have to get into the game of influence peddling on the backs of our state’s health insurers and their rate payers too? How low does the bar need to go for this White Crusader and our state? The worst thing of all is our state is really run by a guy who doesn’t even eat the same cooking we do. The truth is our state is run by a guy who lives in Loudon County, Virginia who is laughing all the way to the bank on the backs countless years of gullible Republican donors and real Pennsylvania taxpayers, who elected his client, when promised real change. Here’s the question: Why do Tom and Suzy allow John Brabender to run our state? Why?
Dear Dems: I hope you a link on your page dedicated to political Necrophilia for economic gain. After hearing over and over and over about the HOLY JOB CREATORS, we apparently have the Brabender Administration that wants to leverage their relationships to make personal gains from the biggest health systems in PA. But this is ok, because Acting Governor John Brabender is not a registered lobbyist and COS Gromis-Baker has a Chinese Wall in her marital bedroom. COS GROMIS-Baker please resign. We will dedicate an exhibit to you at the Corbett Library in Loudon County Virginia. Resign to support the PA JOB CREATORS!