Investigators are searching Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s offices…again.
Agents from the office of Montgomery County DA Risa Vetri Ferman served Kane search warrants today to search her Harrisburg office. Ferman has jurisdiction in the investigation into whether the AG leaked grand jury information.
According to Brad Bumsted of the Tribune-Review, the search applies to the 14th floor of the building, which houses the Human Resources and Information Technology departments. Therefore, this floor should hold all the office’s personnel and computer files.
This is the second time Kane’s offices have been searched this year.
Back in April, Ferman issued warrants for the AG’s Harrisburg and Montgomery County offices in the wake of the James Barker firing.
Earlier this week, it was revealed that Kane’s Chief of Staff Jonathan Duecker is illegally using a vehicle recovered from a drug bust. It is unclear if this warrant is related to that case, other charges against Duecker or is just part of the general investigation of the Attorney General.
Update: According to Angela Couloumbis of the Inquirer, the search concerns Ferman’s investigation into the leak of grand jury information back in June 2014. Like the previous excursion, Ferman’s team is reportedly looking for certain emails.
28 Responses
CBS or NBC reported that nothing was seized during this search.
Scranton is NEXT.
Mission definitely not accomplished. U.R. nobody listens to these liberal crumbs.
If you’re attempting to take Fina down a few pegs, mission accomplished.
Time for Kane to dye her hair blond and do the commercials again. “Can you do just stamps, no”
LMAO … Here i Fina’s quote/challenge:
“I have been a lawyer for 22 years, and a public servant for almost all of that time. I have not retained an attorney to advise me to speak, or to remain silent. I am an attorney. My colleagues and I conducted our investigation honestly, ably, and with integrity. I am willing to sit down at the same table with Kane, across from Inquirer reporters and other members of the media, where we can each respond to any questions that are posed about the investigation. I have no objection to the televising of this conversation.”
LOL … he wanted it on television. Now he has retained an attorney and he NEVER has addressed the porn situation. Wonder if he is still willing to go on TV to answer questions … If so – why did he have to get Court Orders to cover his pasty white arssse?
Fina is not a private individual. He is a highly paid public official who waged war on the Attorney General of PA … and who has challenged AG Kane to a debate. The information about his taste in depraved porn is all in the public domain. And this stuff would have all come out at that debate. Back then, he was saying he was a lawyer and didn’t need to hire one. Now, as I understand it, he has hired one. LOL …
The only thing of interest about the porn emails was when Kane broke the news by lying about what was in them and she had to issue one of those retractions. I’m starting to have a hard time keeping up with the liberals’ conspiracy theories. One liberal; one theory. Another liberal; another theory. However, Fina is a private individual being assailed by the anonymous. He should consider asking to perforate the veil if the claims are demonstrably false. He’d win.
FINA is SEXY HOT and your NOT. STOP being a HATER YO.
Huh? Though it hasn’t been Craig & Angels, the Press has reported on Fina’s taste in porn: bestiality, graphic violence against women, 100 year-old women engaged in intercourse …
But, the real problem for Fina when it comes to the depraved porn is that he used his State computer to distribute it … and he did it while at work … like – when he was getting paid to actually work. That is a crime.
FINA is laughing at YOU.
Busta Perv, how do you know so much about what is on Fina’s hard drive? You must have insider information? Who is your source for this information? You sound like the perv to me by naming all different kinds of sick porn.
Frank Fina started this smear campaign as soon as Ms. Kane won the election. He knew she would make good on her promise to look into the Sandusky probe … and why that monster was allowed to remain a free man for so long. The answers lie on Frank Fina’s hard-drive (no pun intended).
Instead of going out and getting Sandusky, he sat around sending bestiality porn to Judges he appears in front of. Instead of locking that monster up, he watch videos of 100 year-old women engaged in intercourse.
Fina knew that Kane would expose him for the corrupt hack that he is. He knows that Sandusky attacked another child while he watched videos of a woman having “sex” with a snake.
Add to that the fact that the man that signed off on the sham of a Grand Jury investigation wants AG Kane’s job … and you have all the ingredients for a partisan hatchet-job.
BTW – it is no surprise that there ar Repervlican hacks at the AG’s Office trying to undermine AG Kane. She is the first D to hold that job in … forever. Imagine the Repervlican hacks that must work in that office … imagine their fear when a D took over …
I’ll giver her a job when she finishes her term.
Kane’s own hand-picked front office staff provided damning testimony against her, and yet these fools keep posting comments in support of her. Well, not really defending her, because that is impossible, but about porn emails. Hilarious!
Again, the Kane supporters (who apparently work for Lanny Davis) have nothing to say but “porn emails.” And, Peggy, if you’re wondering what Kane has to worry about with regard to porn emails, you might consider that Kane’s sister (who Kane promoted) was involved with the porn emails. So there’s that. But instead of focusing on some racy emails, why don’t you try actually defending Kane’s blatant violation of the law in furtherance of a political spat?
Writer left out the fact that NOTHING was seized. It is clear that DA Ferman has ZERO faith in the integrity of the leak “investigation.” If she did, charges would have been filed.
Kane has been the victim of a Fina-led smear campaign. DA Ferman knows this.
Right back at ya, KSDF. It’s amazing all of you Fina pervs can type so well with one hand.
You people need to stop sockpuppeting all the liberals in the comment sections. The memes are too funny.
Fina called for this investigation. Let the chips fall where they may.
Spot on David! Release ALL of the porn emails. What does Kathleen Kane have to worry about? Fina and Company, along with the previous Governor, are doing their best to ruin her career. Why not go for broke and expose these people for what they are – cowards who are hiding behind the shield of the court. 100% behind Attorney General Kane.
1) “illegally using a vehicle recovered from a drug bust” seems to be going too far. It’s unclear that the use is “illegal”.
2) “Ferman’s team is reportedly looking for certain emails.” Are they looking for Fina’s porn emails?
3) “Ferman’s investigators have searched Kane’s offices at least twice previously and obtained e-mails.”
So, are they looking for new emails since then? Maybe ones that talk about Ferman being an @sshole for the last two searches?
You should not stage auto accidents.
So far, Montgomery County taxpayers have foot the bill for a grand jury fishing expedition and now Risa Ferman’s impersonation of Captain Ahab. I hope somebody is auditing this mess.
Ok lets hear it. How is this another partisan attack?
Call Busta Perv. Spoke to soon.
Here we go again.