Did Halliburton Donate Money to Americans for Job Security?

Shadowy front group refuses to disclose who is funding television ads

Springfield, PA – Americans for Job Security last week announced that they had launched a $300,000, month-long series of television attack ads against Representative Bryan Lentz’s campaign for Congress. Lentz, the Democratic nominee for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District, today called on his opponent to join him in rejecting that advertising until the group disclosed who its donors are to District voters.

Americans for Job Security is a shadowy organization that operates in the cracks of the nation’s election laws and will spend millions of dollars to influence the outcome of races across the country without disclosing who they received funding from. Because they operate as a 501(c)6, they are not required to disclose who their donors are and there are no limits on the size of donations that they can receive, which can be used to run political advertising. .

An organization like Americans for Job Security that keeps its operations hidden from the public eye leaves plenty of room for the abuse of the nation’s election laws and for money to be funneled in return for political favors, Lentz said. Because the organization intended on spending so much money to influence voters in the 7th District, they should disclose who was funding their operations, he added.

For all we know it could be Halliburton bankrolling Americans for Job Security because they believe Pat Meehan will be a reliable vote for awarding the kind of no-bid military contracts that Halliburton used to overcharge U.S. taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars in Iraq,” Lentz said. “It’s for exactly this reason that we have election laws in this country, so voters can know who is spending money with the potential to influence a politician’s vote in Congress. Americans for Job Security needs to come clean now about who is backing these commercials, so voters can understand why they are supporting Pat Meehan’s campaign. My opponent needs to reject their support until they are open with voters.”

Bryan Lentz supports reforming the nation’s campaign finance laws to reduce the influence of special interests on elections.

Lentz has made saving and creating jobs the cornerstone of his campaign for Congress. He is the only candidate with a published plan to get our economy moving again and the only candidate who supports Wall Street reform and the creation of a consumer financial protection agency to ensure another collapse does not happen. Lentz has also pledged to end tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas while his opponent Pat Meehan has signed a pledge that has bound him to oppose legislation that has been introduced to end those tax breaks.

A former Airborne Ranger, criminal prosecutor and Iraq War veteran, Bryan Lentz currently serves in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from Delaware County. He was awarded both the Bronze Star for Service and the War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal for his military service. He lives in Swarthmore with his wife Jennifer and their son Thomas.

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