Maria Donatucci, wife of the late State Rep. Robert Donatucci, has won her late husband’s seat in the 185th district by an overwhelming margin.
With 98% of precincts reporting, Donatucci leads her opponent, businessman and veteran GOP politico Lewis Harris Jr. 1,834 votes to 119.
The 185th district comprises parts of Philadelphia and Delaware counties, near Darby. Robert Donatucci held the seat from 1977-2010.
This bio info on Donatucci comes from the January 20th edition of the The Public Record:
Donatucci has had 14 years of experience of adjudicating and investigating parking matters, including public hearings, correspondence hearings and fleet hearings.
Her two children, Thomas, 25 and Diedre, 21, are of the age, she notes, “whereby I am free to devote, as did my husband Bob, to the needs of the 185th. Bob kept me thoroughly briefed on all vital community issues in which he was involved. At many times, when his job duties kept him in Harrisburg, I would meet with community representatives on his behalf to discuss the issues that mattered most to their communities.”
Her roots in the district are deep. She is a board member of the American Swedish Historical Museum, on the organizing the restoration of Girard Park, a founding member of the Colon Cancer Alliance, Past President of S.P. Lioness Lions Club and Girard Farms Community Club, among other associations.