Seeking a spot on the PA Supreme Court, Superior Court Judge Christine Donohue is turning to the State Democratic Committee.
In a letter to Committee members, Donohue recounted her numerous qualifications and specifically listed four reasons she’s worthy of their backing.
“My unwavering commitment to integrity in the legal and judicial professions; my dedicated service and hard work as a judge on the Superior Court of Pennsylvania since 2008; the perspectives I gained as a successful practicing lawyer for 27 years; and my proven success as a statewide Democratic candidate,” stated Donohue.
Citing the recent scandals plaguing the state courts, Donohue said “I have been privileged during my career as a lawyer and a judge to serve on every board and tribunal that enforces lawyer and judicial ethics in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”
Donohue discussed her success as a statewide Democratic candidate in 2007, mentioning that she garnered 25% of the vote in the primary while amassing the largest amount of votes out of any Democrat in the general election.
Donohue is projected to formally announce her candidacy sometime in January.
5 Responses
Judge Christine Donahue must be sent a message that her blissful ignorance will not be tolerated. The woman is highly dishonest and ignorant of the issues in Pennsylvania. She lied in one opinion that I know of. One lie by a judge indicates many past, present and future lies. Christine brags about her parents being a coal miner and a seamstress. This paints her parents in a bad way by associating her disgraceful conduct and name with theirs. She allows attorneys to lie in her courtroom by failing to read court orders by common pleas judges in the cases and appeals that she hears in her “court”. She also boasts that she ended bias of LGBT parents in custody cases but the truth is that she ignores the traditional and widespread bias for heterosexual men involving custody cases in Pennsylvania. That is factual unarguable child abuse by a jurist. This “jurist” protects judges reported for judicial misconduct, intentionally failing to restore credibility in the PA supreme court. She rode a political farce into a black robe supported by jurists and bar associations trusting that she was a team player and would lie cheat and steal to protect dirty judges, lawyers, big business, and likely organized crime. Vote no for Christine Donahue in both superior and supreme court elections. This is a person with an evil soul that surely hasn’t earned her respect or the trust of Pennsylvania citizens.
She got the endorsement before, and she will get it again.
This is funny! She will never get the democratic endorsement!
Vincent A Cirillo IV will also run for Pennsylvania Supreme Court . Cirillo is the son and Namesake of Former President Judge Vincent A Cirillo III of The Superior Court of Pennsylvania .