The FBI and the IRS are after John Dougherty because of how successful his union has been.
According to Chris Brennan of the Inquirer, that’s Dougherty’s explanation for the raid of his home earlier this month.
“Here’s the bottom line: If these investigations were simply about me, I’D RETIRE TODAY and save our union any additional headaches, but they’re not,” Dougherty wrote in a letter to members of IBEW Local 98. “The scope of these investigations suggest a comprehensive attack upon multiple aspects of Local 98.”
“Local 98 has had a couple of good years recently, which is another likely reason why we’ve drawn the government’s attention again,” Dougherty continued by touching on the 2014 PA-13 Democratic primary, as well as the State Supreme Court races and Philly Mayoral primary in 2015.
Brennan reports that the FBI and IRS are focusing on the union’s finances and involvement in Kevin Dougherty’s and Jim Kenney’s campaigns. They are also apparently looking into Dougherty’s personal finances and taxes.
“We’ve taken on some of the country’s most deep-pocketed, well-connected corporations,” Dougherty explained. “We don’t shy away from these high profile disputes. We also recognize that our high profile can bring a harsh light shone upon us.”
The labor leader pledged to his members that this disruption wouldn’t change anything.
“I want to assure all of you that it’s business as usual at Local 98.”
UPDATE: The Inquirer acquired the warrant for the search of Dougherty’s home. It revealed the investigators were looking for evidence of embezzlement, intimidation and extortion.
29 Responses
Little Joshie won’t affect this case, the federals don’t answer to him. He could probably shine their shoes if he asked nicely though.
Johnny Doc tried to intimidate folks on Soda Tax issue. It’s been reported on.
It’s a shame that greed and a lust for power at the top levels of Local 98 overshadow the rest of the union membership and gives a bad rap to unions. Unions can do so much good.
All you have to do is follow the money. One article suggests that Local 98/Johnny Doc were intimidating contractors, but what about intimidation of ward leaders and committeepeople?
I can’t help but believe that in certain races in the northeast that Johnny Doc was intimidating ward leaders and committeepeople.
As I said before, follow the money and you’ll see who Johnny Doc was backing through his PACs. You know, one also has to wonder if union members really want to see resources spent on lawyers defending the greed that is rampant at the top levels. With Bobby Henon on the union payroll in addition to his Council salary. They’re doing ok. What about the union members that might not be doing as well?
Something has to change.
Johnny Doc’s problems with the FBI have nothing to do with union success. It has everything to do with Doc being involved in embezzlement ,intimidation, and extortion. Outrageous amounts of union money was spent on brother Kevin Dougherty’s Pennsylvania State Supreme Court Campaign. Maybe the biggest problem for Johnny Doc is he failed in his deal with the Zappala Family to make Steve the next Pennsylvania Attorney a General. Think Godfather Movie.
Great question, Buried. And why isn’t the Mayor calling for DA Serh Williams to resign?
I have one question Secretary of Labor Kathy Manderino WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET? Why arent you asking for Johnny Docs resignation at The building trades.
A scorn women will sink a man. Looks like the cats out of the box boys. Bedtime stories and listening to your phone calls goes a far way. Boyle – KDoc – Kenney – Henon. Threats, Money, and who knows what else??? The FBI is breathing down your necks boys
“Dougherty Claims FBI Probe the Result of Union’s Political Success”
Well, bribing candidates, public officials, judges, strong-arming committee people, under the table payouts, promotions as quid pro quo, etc. will all result in “Political Success” (until the FBI comes a knocking).
I agree with Lil Joshie and Shady Katie I’m not giving back the money either nor will I remove this gangster from PRPA and DRPA as my appointee he can beat the rap if I get Shapiro elected. TicDoc TicDoc
I agree ShadyKatie I’m not giving back the 180k Johnny Doc gave me either. Nor will I prosecute this criminal because I too have a conflict of interest
You’re mixing up your trolls again. Are you slow?
I’m still not giving the 600k Johnny Doc gave me back. I’m really gonna need it
Yup. PA’s version of George Soros or Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish. The puppet master controlling all of the behind-the scenes politics here (especially when he put his brother and two others on PA’s Highest Court) and nobody noticing……until now. He deserves to be in prison.
I’m glad you are finally here!! Now – is your kid really a RETARD like you said before? How are your efforts to destroy DD’s business coming along?
I’m not surprised Hahaha can’t stop talking about me. I’ve bruised his ego badly.
For the record, I’m reading this page for the first time today. Someone else is spoofing you.
Oh …. That’s classic!!
I may have to compose the SpongeAnus song now.
This is a more appropriate screen-name for me!!!!! I am getting sick of “The T(r)uth” anyways.
Of course, it’s also an escape for me ever since I got out of prison after working for the criminal Democrats and stealing money. Posting about Corbett Pervs and Fina is my favorite hobby now.
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!! His life is really fucked up. This is like an escape for him. Poor thing.
Ha3 – Looks like your groupie troll is back – pretending to be you again. His life must be really spiraling.
Speaking of spiraling – how about that Seth Williams? Will he be the first ever big-city DA who gets indicted by the FBI/USAO?
Agree that Seth Williams will get more time in prison than Kane.
bungy, now this retard is really losing it. Just because I kept predicting that Kathleen Kane was innocent and I looked like a complete moron when the jury convicted her, now this guy has to rub my face in it. In fact, I haven’t been right about anything, except that I spent time in state prison for stealing from the taxpayers. Now, without a job, I just comment on PPA all day from my exile in New York. What can I say, I’m a Democrat! Crime and welfare is my lifestyle!
bungy – he is coming unglued (again). He just keeps getting OWNED … over and over …. He must be a glutton for punishment. Taking it in the Kieser for cash is, hopefully, as low as he will sink. We shall see.
Between now and November, expect the pathetic FOXtards to become more and more angry. Hillary may be the final straw for them. Their heads may finally explode (like a truck-Driver in “The Tuth”‘s mouth.
the bungy — how would you know if I’m the “real” HaHaHa or not, unless YOU change your screen name to impersonate others? By the way, Brett, how’s that butt? Still sore? The lifers love a white collar thief like you.
Oh look, everyone!!
“Unsanctioned RETARD” – pretending to be Ha3 below – admits to having a sore asshole. Was just a matter of time til he started taking it in the ass too. Guess he wants to make a few more bucks at the rest-stop. Wonder how much “Unsanctioned RETARD” charges the truck-drivers to pound his ass-hole.
Has Seth Williams been indicted by the Feds yet?
Johnny Doc is going to prison. The members are not buying his BS anymore. The O knows.
Wait, while I ask Jimmie Hoffa what he thinks.