Dougherty Touts Allegheny County Endorsements

Kevin-DoughertyThe notable Philly Judge is highlighting his new Western PA support.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Candidate Kevin Dougherty has earned the endorsements of various officials throughout Allegheny County, including District Attorney Stephen M. Zappala, County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, U.S. Congressman Mike Doyle and State Senators Jay Costa, Matt Smith and Wayne Fontana.

Dougherty currently serves as the Administrative Judge of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas Trial Division.

“I am overwhelmed and deeply grateful for the support we are receiving from our fellow Democrats in Allegheny County,” said Judge Dougherty, who was particularly proud of gaining support from Western PA Democrats, despite being from Philadelphia. “Support from Western Pennsylvania voters for any statewide candidate is critical to victory. With these esteemed Allegheny County political leaders lending our campaign such great support, we are forging ahead with great confidence and enthusiasm as we enter the final month before the May Primary.”

“Judge Dougherty’s impressive rise through the Philadelphia Court system, coupled with his evident passion for the law and the cause of social justice for all, makes him extremely qualified to serve on the State Supreme Court,” said Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald.

Dougherty was one of two candidates formally chosen by the state Democratic Committee in February.

7 Responses

  1. If Dougherty wasn’t Johnny Doc’s brother. He would be just one of the many Judges in Philadelphia. Dougherty candidacy will go as far as His brother’s union money will take him. Pretty bad when an unqualified Judge is elected to State Supreme Court because his big brother says it is Kevin’s time to be somebody and he has the Money to support it. UNION MONEY !

  2. Kevin Dougherty has earned support because he is a great judge and has risen though the ranks. He has earned the endorsement because he has actually done work with administration and with children’s issues during his tenure on Common Pleas Court.

    Check out his bar endorsements and his career and stop defaming people because of where they come from. Look at what they actually do.

    The PA Democratic State Committee endorsed two and Kevin was one of those two endorsements.

    The others are all fine candidates but Dougherty and Wecht have earned statewide support in excess of 66% of those of us who are on State Committee.

    Yes, it is important where judges come from and if you also study the issues and there careers and decisions we do better than playing whack-a-mole with their reputations.

  3. Just another example of the Unions flexing their muscle in their never ending questo make all PA citizens their personal tax slaves. Not really surpising he should be endorsed by the Union owned establsihement on the other side of the state.

  4. Hack!!! No where near qualified. Not appropriate to allow a ” night working” union leader to purchase a judgeship for his brother. Considering his BFF just got kicked off for porn emails. WAKE THE F UP PEOPLE.

  5. Judge Kevin Dougherty is the real deal. Smart, fair, thoughtful, caring. He’d make a great Supreme Court Justice. Looks like Western PA agrees.

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