Emily’s List Puts Pennsylvania State Senate and House Republicans ‘On Notice’

Emily’s List announced it is putting the Republicans in the state Senate and House ‘On Notice’ for 2018 as they look to flip control of both chambers to Democratic control.  

“Republicans in the Pennsylvania Legislature have amassed a shameful record of voting to turn back the clock on women’s rights,” Emily’s List Executive Director Emily Cain said in a release.  

Emily’s List is pushing to flip control to Democrats in response to Republican pushes to defund Planned Parenthood (SB 300), bills that were introduced that would ban abortions after 20 weeks (SB3), and allow doctors to refuse services that are against their conscience (SB24).  

“That is why EMILY’s List is recruiting an historic number of strong, pro-choice Democratic women leaders in 2018 to hold these Republican legislators accountable for their out-of-touch agenda and defeat them next year,” Cain said.

These lists are often used as a flag to donors to put money towards candidates running against the targeted lists, and to gain media attention for both the group and the candidates challenging Republicans.

Emily’s List put three Republican Congressmen ‘On Notice’ earlier this year.  

PoliticsPA reached out to the PA GOP for comment on this story.

24 Responses

  1. Hillary’s book sucks just so badly that Amazon is rigging the book reviews so that bad-poor reviews of her book can’t be uploaded? It’s a rigged and corrupt system!

  2. Hi Deplorable Voter,
    Calm down and take a deep breath. I dare you to read Life’s Work | Book by Dr. Willie Parker. Then let’s talk.

    1. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are happy to be known as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic”. I hope it is just simple stupidity and they never bothered to read the definition of “basket of deplorables”, but judging by polling data, saying half of them fit in the “basket of deplorables” is actually an understatement.

      1. Move to the People’s Republic of Canada! Elections have consequences! Putting up Hillary (with her decades of corruption + baggage) was the dumbest thing in the History of U.S. Politics.

        Where was the “wonderful” Emily’s List in the Presidential Election (of November of 2016)?

        1. You’re proud of being racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and Islamophobic. You are an un-American disgrace. Go back to your cave.

      1. It’s not about “pro life” or “saving the little babies” to you. It’s about patriarchal dominance and slut shaming. Having went to multiple years of Catholic school I can attest to that. I know better having had enlarged pictures of fetuses shoved down our throats rather than science.

        I would say since the early 2000s the Catholic Church can’t influence elections like they once could. If the left gets its collective head out of its ass(Bernie or Bust, etc.), you guys can go crawl in a cave and remininsce over the 1950s when women were at home, barefoot and in the kitchen.

          1. Gotcha! You know the far left’s BoB hissy fit once it comes to an end and they show some discipline you right winged patriarchal clowns are FINISHED. Enjoy the next year and a half. Wont grt anything done anyways.

  3. The Abortion mill is back it. They’re so powerful. They won the Senate Seat for Katie McGinty last year!!…oh wait, all of their candidate’s lose because they’re as trashy as EMILY’s list is themselves.

    1. I think next election cycle I’m going to write in the name “Evil Bob Casey IV.” What a name.

      -A Whole Life Democrat.

  4. IF they can get millenials and young working families to pull their heads out of their rear ends and stop being apathetic about voting yeah the old white right winged Catholics and Evangelicals SHOULD be put on notice. Every poll shows this. The majority of Pennsylvanians are pro choice, Pro gay marriage, pro marijuana legalization yes even recreational and oppose LGBT discrumination but many those who feel this way cant be bothered to VOTE.

    Gotta hand it to old Catholics who want to restrict vaginas in Pennsylvania. THEY SHOW UP!

    1. Go bitch about Russian collusion in regard to Hillary’s failure to be righteous! I’m sure Pro-Abortion Emily’s List worked hard for Hillary? Blame Putin for it all, right?

      1. Not blaming Putin at all. Granted, the Russians did a pheomenal job at wooing the right wing base but it was PA’s disciplined right wing that put Trump and Toomey in.

        The left was in disarray, apathetic and fucked around with “intersting 3rd parties” while the Kasich, Bush amd Rubio voters fell in line when it counted. I’m handing that to you. Will that happen in 18 and 20? Who knows, but the left better put their apathy amd obstinance to the side.

      1. Stay cocky my friend! Remember Barack HUSSEIN Obama the Kenyan, Communist Nazi Muslim won PA by 11 in 2008. The demographics are even more in favor of Democrats now if there’s a united front and the Bernie or Busters and apathetic voters dedide to SHOW UP.

  5. Emily’s List would rather have a female who is not strong on issues, versus a male who is better on issues. This kind of identity politics is a losing proposition. Voting for a woman just because she is a woman is demeaning to intelligent people. I hope the legislature goes Democrat, but Emily is a poor excuse as a political operation and will hurt Democratic chances with their ridiculous gender-based appeal for votes. Hillary and McGinty were not helped, were they?

    1. Exactly! Good luck pushing the Emily’s List button in House districts that are +25 R. If they pumped as much actual help into these races as they do hot air, they may have just picked up a few.

  6. Wow! I’m sure voters are impressed with Pro-Abortion death-merchants, who support killing the un-born in a heinous manner?

    I’m a Deplorable Voter (as are most people who voted for the President)…

    Anti-Catholic Hillary sealed her own fate with the support of Emily’s List lunatics!

    Keep up the Lunacy you crazy Hillary Lovers!

    1. The fact that you openly identify yourself as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic” suggests you should sit down and shut up while you re-evaluate your vile, hateful ideology.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

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