The election is a mere month away, and candidates are working to consolidate their political bases for the home stretch. Here are all the statewide and congressional endorsements that didn’t fit into their own stories this week.
Tom Smith (R) for U.S. Senate
Rick Santorum super PAC Patriot Voices:
“As a native of Pennsylvania, I believe Tom Smith is the right candidate at the right time for our state,” said Santorum. “He has put forth a detailed economic plan that simplifies the tax code, cuts spending and encourages energy production to create jobs in Pennsylvania. Tom is a conservative stalwart who understands the challenges of Americans at this turning point in our country, and Patriot Voices PAC looks forward to standing with him in the weeks ahead.”
National Federation of Independent Businesses:
“Bob Casey has voted consistently in favor of the big special interests and against the interests of Pennsylvania small businesses,” said Shivers. “Small business owners in Pennsylvania need a Senator who will be more independent and committed to getting the federal government off their backs.”
Eugene DePasquale (D) for Pa. Auditor General
Pennsylvania National Organization for Women:
“Pennsylvania NOW endorses Eugene DePasquale because of his dedication to fighting for equal rights for all women,” said Julia Ramsey, president of PA NOW. “We are very enthusiastic about helping Eugene become Pennsylvania’s next auditor general.”
Pat Meehan (R) for PA-7
Fraternal Order of Police:
“As a former United States Attorney and Delaware County District Attorney, Pat Meehan has proven his commitment to the citizens of his state and his community,” said Les Neri, President of the Pennsylvania State Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police. “Pat brought his experience working with law enforcement personnel to Congress, where he’s been a tireless voice in support of police officers and their families. We support him with great pride.”
Kathy Boockvar (D) for PA-8
Communications Workers of America (CWA) Local 1039:
“Our members are clear in their belief that Kathy Boockvar best represents the fighter Pennsylvania working families, retirees, seniors – and most especially members of this Local – need going forward,” stated Bill O’Brien, CWA Local 1039 Public Affairs Director. “CWA Local 1039 has over 400 members who live in Pennsylvania and we are firmly committed to representing our members wherever they live or work.”
Tom Marino (R) for PA-10
The Pennsylvania Rural Electric Association (PREA):
The PREA cited Marino’s support of electric cooperatives “as we strive to improve the quality of life in rural areas”, according to a release from the organization. “I am honored to receive this endorsement from PREA. The work they do in the 10th District ensures that rural areas have easy and affordable access to electricity. Developing common sense energy policy remains a top priority for me,” Marino said.
Lou Barletta (R) for PA-11
National Rifle Association:
“On behalf of our four million members nationwide, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is proud to endorse you for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania’s 11th Congressional District. Based on your solid and consistent pro-gun voting record, you received an “A” rating from the NRA-PVF,” stated James J. Baker, Director of Federal Affairs. Baker continued, “Thank you for your unwavering support of the Second Amendment. We urge our members, gun owners and sportsmen in Pennsylvania’s 11th Congressional District to vote for you on November 6th.”
National Right to Life:
“National Right to Life is pleased to endorse Lou Barletta for re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives,” stated Executive Director David N. O’Steen. “Not only are we impressed with his absolute pro-life voting record in Congress, but we also are grateful for Congressman Barletta’s support of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 3) and the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358). Additionally, National Right to Life is indebted to Congressman Barletta for voting to repeal the Obamacare health law, a law which will provide government funding for health plans that pay for abortion on-demand and which will result in rationing of life-saving medical care. Congressman Barletta has National Right to Life’s ringing endorsement and our full support for his re-election.”
Mark Critz (D) for PA-12
Alliance for Retired Americans (group representing mostly retired AFL-CIO workers):
“Mark Critz promised that he would fight to protect Social Security and Medicare when he first ran for Congress and he has kept his word,” said Pa. chapter president Jean Friday. “His 100 percent record on seniors’ issues, and his willingness to stand up to those who want to privatize Social Security and turn Medicare into a voucher program makes him the clear choice for the people of Western Pennsylvania.”
Keith Rothfus (R) for PA-12
Gun Owners of America (gun rights group, more conservative than the NRA):
“We are proud to endorse Keith Rothfus for Pennsylvania’s 12th Congressional District,” said Tim Macy, Vice-Chairman of GOA. “The 2nd Amendment is being destroyed by compromisers in Washington. Keith Rothfus is the candidate in this race who will stand firmly in the defense, and in support, of our right to keep and bear arms.”
60 Plus Association (pro-GOP 501(c)(4):
Legendary entertainer Pat Boone made the announcement, “I’m still singing at concerts, but today I’m singing the praises of Keith Rothfus. Seniors can depend on Keith.”
Chairman and Founder Jim Martin was personally on hand to present the award to Rothfus, stating, “Keith Rothfus can be counted on to preserve Social Security and Medicare. He’ll work to protect the pocket books of senior citizens and end the wasteful spending of our tax dollars… Seniors have to live within their means and so should government.”
Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Blair) also endorsed Rothfus.
Matt Cartwright (D) for PA-17
American Nurses Association (ANA) and the American Hospital Association:
“Matt has consistently stood up for the little guy during his years of taking on big business,” said ANA-PAC Chair Faith Jones, MSN, RN, NEA-BC. “His passion for fixing our health care system is something that is closely shared by myself and nurses in Pennsylvania and across the country.”
3 Responses
I just went to that website citizensagainstmarkcritz and it makes no sense.
Okay, I do not live in Critz’s district so maybe I just don’t understand.
I have read through the Critz against Women website several times already and I still don’t understand anything that is said on the website. Much of the information is hard to get through actually. I’m surprised I got as far with the website as I did.
Perhaps you should write a Readers Digest version.
Most will just say tl;rd
Clearly people who endorse Critz don’t know him!