Endorsements Show Why Voters are Supporting Dan Onorato

Endorsements Show Why Voters are Supporting Dan Onorato
Dan Onorato: The Choice for Pennsylvania
Philadelphia Inquirer: Onorato has the skills
“one candidate does have the experience and track record needed to run a complex government and tackle the tough issues facing Pennsylvania. That person is DAN ONORATO, a Democrat, whom The Inquirer endorses for governor. As the government head of Allegheny County, which encompasses Pittsburgh, Onorato, 49, has confronted budget deficits and demonstrated an ability to reform and shrink a bloated bureaucracy…. Onorato is an outsider who promises to take on the political establishment and Harrisburg’s culture.”
Philadelphia Daily News: Dan Onorato for Governor
“Onorato is a different kind of Democrat- one who has a bigger appetite for rethinking government. That’s why we support him for governor. His track record as executive of Allegheny County has given him firsthand experience grappling with government change; his reforms involved consolidating city and county services, and eliminating positions and row offices; and he talks convincingly and concretely of how he’d streamline Harrisburg…. State governments like ours seem not to have acknowledged the new shrunken world, but we believe Onorato is best equipped to lead the state in 21st-century terms.”
Easton Express-Times: Onorato for Governor
“Onorato brings a better set of skills for an executive job and a more balanced platform, we believe, than Corbett. And Onorato leap-frogs ahead when it comes to management style, give-and-take on issues, and exhibiting some passion for a job that — given Pennsylvania’s aging population and looming deficits — will require flexibility, austerity, energy, pragmatism and optimism…. We believe voters should choose a candidate prepared to handle daunting challenges — dealing with burgeoning pension debt while maintaining basic services and getting Pennsylvania back on an affordable track. Onorato has a credible plan, and he’s doing a much better job of explaining it.”
Delaware County Daily Times: Onorato has what it takes to clean up Pa.
“Onorato, 49, can point to his record as the head of government in Allegheny County, where he was forced to balance a budget and reign in a costly bureaucracy. Before that he was Allegheny County controller. He’d like to do for Pennsylvania what he did for Allegheny County – reversing a declining region and bleak job market – and turning it into a hub for next-generation jobs in energy solutions, health care and technology. Specifically, Onorato has gotten his hands dirty in this budget-balancing business before. In Allegheny County, he trimmed the workforce, abolished elected row offices and consolidated services. And he did it all without raising taxes, something that no doubt resonates here in southeastern Pennsylvania, where skyrocketing property taxes continue to be an albatross around the necks of homeowners.”
Doylestown Intelligencer: For governor, Dan Onorato
“In our meeting with the two candidates, we were immediately impressed by Onorato’s enthusiasm and depth of knowledge. And unlike Corbett, who doesn’t project a whole lot of flexibility in his approach to governing, Onorato seems willing to try to work with the Legislature to make some headway against the state’s problems. We like, too, that Onorato would come to Harrisburg from the outside and may have a better chance to change the ingrained culture in the state capital…. Regarding the Marcellus shale, Corbett accuses Democrats of seeing a tax first while he sees jobs first. Actually, we think Onorato sees both, and both are necessary for the benefit and protection of Pennsylvania. Corbett is a competent candidate and would make a competent governor. But it’s our opinion that Onorato brings more to the job and can do more for the commonwealth. We endorse Dan Onorato as Pennsylvania’s next governor. Voters would be well-advised to consider putting an end to the state’s alternate pattern of choosing a governor by selecting the Democrat.”

Scranton Times-Tribune: For governor, Dan Onorato
“Mr. Onorato is better suited to the governor’s office by experience and by well-considered policy positions. As the chief executive of the county covering the state’s second-largest population base, he has dealt on a smaller scale with many of the problems facing the state government and broader state economy. One of Mr. Onorato’s major achievements in Allegheny County was convincing voters to eliminate six high-level elected row office positions. It’s the same approach that is needed to rein in the bloated state Legislature, from which Mr. Onorato said he will seek a 20 percent cost reduction. Mr. Onorato’s experience and professed policies point to a systematic, aggressive approach to some of the state’s most pressing problems, and make him a better choice for governor.”
Pocono Record: Corbett, bought and paid for?
“Voters looking for change in Harrisburg should not vote for Tom Corbett for governor. That would be placing, in the top executive office in the commonwealth, someone who has sold his soul to the gas drilling companies…. Onorato reduced the size of Allegheny County’s government, eliminating elected positions and consolidating services to save county taxpayers $21 million. He helped revitalize Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, working to bring nearly $11 billion in investment and development. Allegheny County today has more jobs than any other Pennsylvania county and a higher employment rate today than either the state or the nation…. Don’t look for Corbett to help the little people. He will be too busy catering to the powerful. Onorato, a proven reformer and job-builder, is the better choice for the Keystone State.”
York Daily Record: Dan Onorato for Governor
“As governor, you have to run the government. And Mr. Corbett just doesn’t have the kind of broad-based administrative experience that Mr. Onorato has. He doesn’t have the record of running many agencies simultaneously – finding efficiencies, consolidating, eliminating redundancies. Mr. Onorato helped to save a dying city and county. That’s what Pennsylvania as a whole needs right now.”
Tri-County / Courier-Express / Leader Vindicator: Corbett just doesn’t cut it
“Unlike Corbett, Onorato has had experience – and success – in government, both as a legislator (Pittsburgh City Council) and as an executive (Allegheny County). Pennsylvania needs a governor who can govern, cooperatively with the Legislature, to address urgent and substantial problems of finance and public safety, e.g., Marcellus Shale gas drilling related issues. In our opinion, Tom Corbett isn’t that person. Dan Onorato could be. We endorse the candidacy of Dan Onorato to be Pennsylvania’s next governor.”
Washington Observer-Reporter: For governor, Dan Onorato
“Unquestionably, many tough and unpopular decisions will have to be made, and we feel the best man to be at the helm at this very trying time is Allegheny County Chief Executive Dan Onorato. He has more administrative experience than his Republican rival Tom Corbett. Onorato has governed while Corbett has prosecuted…. We are impressed with Onorato’s accomplishments as a county executive, especially his elimination of six elected offices and consolidating five 9-1-1 call centers into a single center that serves the entire county. He also would enact term limits and reduce the size of the Senate and House…. We think Onorato has done a commendable job in defining the differences between him and his opponent. Those differences are why we believe Onorato is the best choice for governor.”

El Hispano: Onorato for Governor
“We need a Chief Executive that will create jobs, reform government to make it more efficient, improve education, and deal intelligently with the many problems we confront. We believe that person is Dan Onorato. Pennsylvanians have been enduring very difficult times. Our economy is stagnant, there are no jobs, taxes are high, and we have lost confidence in our leadership. Dan Onorato has a record of achievement. He served as Allegheny County Controller before becoming Allegheny County Executive and he fulfilled his promises to eliminate waste and save tax money. He overcame resistance within his own party to reform the political practices that had created an unproductive patronage system.”

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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