When Governor Tom Corbett travels to D.C. for a fundraiser next week, his welcoming committee will include all fourteen Republican Congressmen from Pennsylvania.
It’s a strong show of party unity for Governor Corbett as he continues to launch his re-election campaign.
The Sunlight Foundation posted the invitation.
The reception is scheduled for the evening of Monday, November 18th, and tickets start at $1,000. Hosts contribute $2,500 and co-chairs must contribute or raise $5,000.
The event is hosted by the BGR Group, a D.C. lobbying firm co-founded by former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour, who will be in attendance. Barbour was the former Chairman of the Republican Governors Association.
Along with the BGR Group, a number of statewide and national Republican bigwigs will help welcome Corbett.
Hosts include: Bob Asher of Asher Chocolates and Pennsylvania’s committeeman on the RNC; Mark Holman, partner at the Ridge Policy Group; Mark Campbell, campaign strategist and former Pa. Deputy Commerce Secretary; Fred Malek, former president of Marriott Hotels and chair of the Republican Governors Association; and Tim Costa, former Executive Deputy Secretary of the Pa. Dep. of Welfare and current lobbyist at Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney.
The Allentown Morning Call reported this week that Corbett hired the Ridge Policy Group, where Holman and Campbell are partners, to lobby on behalf of the state in DC.
The show of force comes after months of nervous chatter from the Republican delegation and their operatives that Corbett’s poor polling numbers could spawn a primary challenger in 2014.
11 Responses
eports_of_sex_assault_probe.html Does the resignation of Kerns end the SEPA GOP’s WAR ON WOMEN? I have 3 ideas: 1. Make sure the alleged victim in this case gets a government paid invasive ultra-sound. and 2. Send the SEPA GOP Cavemen to Charm School. 3. Have Jimmy Lee do a poll to prove that there is no Corbett gender gap.
Dear Chairman Bill Shuster: Do you support the alleged sexual misconduct of GOP SEPA leaderhsip? Doesn’t this botched peace treaty in MONTCO jeapordize Fitzpatrick and Gerlach? Shouldn’t you Chairman Bill Shuster boycott the Corbett Washington DC fundraiser before the National Press asks you if you support the PAGOP Cavemen in SEPA? Chairman Shuster: isn’t it time for Tom Corbett”s Chief of Staff Leslie Gromis Baker to resign and Jenn Z. to take over?
Dear Pittsburgh Tribune Review Truth Tellers, Colin McNickle, Salena Zito and Brad Bumsted: Doesn’t someone on the Tom Corbett Team need to take responsiblity for the totally Flawed MONTCO PAGOP Peace Treaty? Shouldn’t Tom Corbett Chief of Staff Leslie Gromis-Baker be asked to resign? Do you endorse tolerance of alleged sexual misconduct by GOP SEPA leadership?
Dear Tom Corbett Chief of Staff Leslie Gromis Baker: Please take full responsibility for the flawed MONTCO PAGOP peace treaty! You failed your MAN-PA Governor Tom Corbett! RESIGN!!! Leslie Gromis Baker do you support the SEPA GOP leadership’s War on Women?? It is time for you to return to UPMC’s Jeff Romoff’s lobbyist shop!!!!
Dear First Lady Susy Corbett and Corbett Chief of Staff Leslie Gromis-Baker: Do you ENDORSE the alleged SEPA PAGOP leadership’s WAR ON WOMEN??? Isn’t it time that you protect OUR SEPA Soccer Moms from these SEPA GOP CAVEMEN????
Dear Senator Dominic F. Peliggi: PAINDY1 wants to be an official PA Corporate Welfare Queen! Let’s do business! Will you introduce legislation that every woman who comes in contact with SEPA GOP leadership should be provided with a Tazer or Mace!!!! I want the concession! Come on Dom: Protect Fitzpatrick and Gerlach! These great SEPA Republicans and Americans don’t fantasize about assaulting SEPA Soccer Moms!/////
NORRISTOWN–Montgomery County prosecutors are investigating allegations that Robert J. Kerns, chairman of the county Republican Committee, sexually assaulted a woman who works at his Lansdale law firm, according to two sources familiar with the investigation.
The alleged assault occurred in his car after a party in late October, the sources said.
Kerns, 66, could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Defense lawyer Brian McMonagle confirmed that he represented Kerns in a criminal matter, but said it would be premature to say more.
Kevin R. Steele, Montgomery County first assistant district attorney, said he could not confirm or deny any investigation.
Kerns, a partner in the firm of Kerns, Pearlstine, Onorato & Hladik, is married with three adult children. He is also the solicitor for Upper Gwynedd, West Norriton, and Trappe, and the Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County, according to its website.
Kerns’ firm’s website went dark Wednesday and later was replaced by a message saying it was under construction. TV news trucks were parked outside his law office. Detectives earlier impounded his car in search of DNA evidence, sources said.
The county GOP has been trying to repair the image of a party wracked by infighting. Last month, the committee drew Gov. Corbett to its annual reception in East Norriton, where Kerns announced that state power broker Bob Asher and Gladwyne billionaire Vahan Gureghian would set aside a years-long dispute to jointly lead the committee’s fund-raising efforts.
Kerns said he was pleased to remain as chairman and to develop a new strategy to regain a foothold in a county where Democratic registration has been rising consistently since the 1990s.
Kerns ran for the GOP chairmanship four times before winning in 2008. He survived calls for his ouster after the 2011 election, in which Democrats took control of the county Board of Commissioners for the first time in 130 years and Montgomery was one of only four counties that did not vote for Corbett.
Several committee members, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said Kerns had not resigned or signaled an intention to withdraw from his party position or any of his solicitorships, but that party leaders were already discussing candidates to replace him.
Note for Pandy – I finally saw Acting Governor Brabender on MSNBC today. What an arrogant, mean spirited person. I knew right away that he must be our acting Governor. What is his claim to fame with our Governor?
PLEASE I’M NOT GIVING A PENNY UNTIL A KNOW WHAT A FULL ZOGBY WILL COST ME! Acting Governor Brabender: What is the price for a Budget Secretary and a Shadow Ed Secretary? COS Gromis-Baker: Will MONTCO GOP Chair Mr. Robert Kerns be in attendance? Please remind him that the Republican War on Women is a figment of Allyson Schwartz’s imagination.
Nice to see the usual Criminals out in full for Corporate Tom: Convicted Felon Bob Asher, as always, warmly embraced as an example of how to be a Good Republican, and Unindicted Co-conspirator Fred Malek, who got just about the entire Republican Party in Connecticut sent to jail.
But – “full support”?? I’ll only belive that when I see EACH of those congressman in a photo next to One-Term Tom. That boy is political poison!
The members of the delegation are safe to support a losing Governor outside of the Commonwealth and public eye. They are also interested in laying the groundwork for BGR to host a reception for their own campaigns.
This just shows how safe the GOP feels in their gerrymandered districts that they can afford to be seen with Corbett.