A new poll shows Sen. Bernie Sanders with a narrow lead in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary, while former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign opened four field offices in the Philadelphia suburbs. Here is the Playbook.
Poll: Sanders Edges Out Biden, Bloomberg in PA Primary: According to a survey conducted by the UW-Madison Elections Research Center, Sen. Bernie Sanders holds a narrow lead in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania with 25%, while former Vice President Joe Biden has 20% and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has 19%. The polling also showed President Donald Trump in a tight race in hypothetical head to head matchups with the Democratic presidential frontrunners in Pennsylvania.
Bloomberg Campaign Opens Campaign Offices in Philly Suburbs: On Saturday, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign opened for field offices in the Philadelphia suburbs with offices in Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery counties.
Philadelphia Laborers Endorse Nina Ahmad for Auditor General: In a release from Nina Ahmad’s campaign, the Philadelphia Democrat received the endorsement from the Laborers District Council of the Metropolitan Area of Philadelphia and Vicinity.
We’re experiencing some technical difficulties with posting to the website, and we’re happy to be able to continue the Playbook while we resolve them.
Harrisburg & DC
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South Central
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Lehigh Valley
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North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: Should the Pa. assessment system be replaced? Centre County school districts voice concerns
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Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Picking a running mate: State moving to change lieutenant governor selection
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Tim Hartman: Pennsylvania’s gas tax debate, explained in one easy chart | Editorial Cartoon
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Laura Perna and Jeremy Wright-Kim: Federal Pell grants help pay for college. But are they enough to help students finish? | Analysis
Trudy Rubin: ’Peace deal’ with Taliban will fail without continued U.S. troops in Afghanistan
Signe Wilkinson: Political Cartoon: The unstoppable American virus
Mark Zandi: Is coronavirus a mere body blow, or a black swan for the global economy?
Will Bunch: Can we talk about the Trump-loving, QAnon-type who slaughtered 10 people in Germany?
Gregory Hill: In defense of Medicare for All
Christine Flowers: A very PC narrative in full Bloom among Dems
One Response
Eileen Kelly’s boss, City Controller Michael Lamb, offered a more restrained statement. While it called Kelly’s remarks about Hallam’s struggle with addiction “offensive,” he did not call for her departure. Instead, he urged a party gathering “to discuss rule and bylaw changes to help our party meet our challenges now and in the future.”
Michael Lamb’s own nephew, Congressman Conor Lamb, had issued a similarly measured statement the day before, which said he trusted committee members to chart the local party’s future. “[W]ho leads the party is ultimately their decision to make,” he said in a tweeted statement, before adding “Yesterday’s incident has given them much to consider.” But by Friday afternoon, he was retweeting Darrin Kelly’s statement and adding, “It’s time for the Chairwoman to step aside.”