Fetterman Announces Senate Staff Hires

John Fetterman and Chuck Schumer

Pennsylvania U.S. Senator John Fetterman announced over a dozen staff hires on Friday as he continues to build out teams in Washington, D.C. and throughout the Commonwealth.

“I’m proud of the talented staff we’re assembling throughout Pennsylvania and in Washington. This team is already hitting the ground running to work for the people of Pennsylvania,” said Fetterman. “This staff reflects our commitment to represent all corners of the Commonwealth and communities that have been forgotten and left behind.”

“This office is building out an extraordinary team that is going to deliver big things for Pennsylvania,” said Adam Jentleson, Fetterman’s Chief of Staff. “This team is smart, capable, and dedicated to providing the best possible constituent service for people across Pennsylvania.”

The new hires follow the previously announced hires of Jentleson as Chief of Staff, Joe Pierce as State Director, and Tré Easton as Legislative Director.

The new hires include:

  • Krysta Juris, Deputy Chief of Staff: Krysta previously served as Director of Scheduling to Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and was most recently Executive Business Partner at Stripe.
  • Maya Ashwal, Administrative Director: Maya previously served as Director of Scheduling and Operations for Sen. Chris Murphy.
  • Joe Calvello, Communications Director: Joe previously served as Director of Communications for Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  • Kathi Caber, Constituent Services Director: Kathi previously served as a Senior Constituent Advocate for Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey for over a decade.
  • Sam Thomas, Senior Advisor: Sam previously served as Director of Scheduling and Advance for Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  • Bobby Maggio, Senior Advisor: Bobby previously served as a Senior Advisor to Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  • Alana Guzman, Digital and Creative Director: Alana previously served as Digital and Creative Director to Rep. Ayanna Pressley.
  • Emilee Joseph, Deputy State Director: Emilee previously served as Associate Chief of Staff in the City of Philadelphia’s Mayor’s office after spending over five years as the Mayor’s Director of Executive Logistics.
  • Mikecia Witherspoon, Eastern Pennsylvania Regional Director: Mikecia previously served as a Government Relations Officer for the Community College of Philadelphia after spending over four years as a Deputy Chief of Staff and Special Assistant in the Philadelphia Mayor’s office.
  • Christina Kauffman, Central Pennsylvania Regional Director: Christina previously served as Chief of Staff to Fetterman in the Lt. Governor’s office.
  • Elizabeth Casertano, Western Pennsylvania Regional Director: Elizabeth previously served as Deputy Political Director for Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  • James Harnett, Systems Administrator: James previously served as a Systems Administrator for Sen. Sherrod Brown.
  • Nick Gavio, Pennsylvania Press Secretary: Nick previously served as Director of Rapid Response for Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  • Emma Mustion, Press Assistant: Emma previously served as Special Assistant to the Campaign Manager for Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  • Anna Keilly, Legislative Aide: Anna previously served as a Staff Assistant to Sen. Bob Casey.
  • Charlie Hills, Legislative Aide: Charlie previously worked on Fetterman’s U.S. Senate campaign.
  • Lalah C. Williams, Staff Assistant: Lalah previously served as the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Legislative Intern for Sen. Chris Van Hollen.

7 Responses

  1. Looking forward to working with Fetterman’s talented staff to improve the City of Philadelphia.

  2. So surely Casey has similar positions if not more. Why do we need double staff? We’re 1 state/commonwealth with 2 senators. Why can’t we just have 1 of each regional office staffed by 1 set of staff? I understand they serve on different committees with different constituent issues but come on, these people are so smart and qualified surely they could handle. Other than because that’s the way they always do it, why can’t we just have 1 set of staff manning regional offices and SAVE some damn money for once? And get some people with actual real world business experience – all these policy types are just retread dopes whose best skills are usually going to dinners and happy hours (just like in PA legislature). They are political science students and that translates to real experience how exactly???

    1. Interesting place to attack people that have a degree in political science or the other social science fields. I have a degree in political science. My salary is nowhere near an investment banker salary, but thanks to my education and subsequent readings throughout life, I can walk into any room and be one of the most informed persons in that room.

    2. It is painfully obvious from your comment that the auto mechanic you got to do your brain surgery did a very poor job.

      1. Most of them. Clearly none of you responders live in reality. Shapiro ran against a straw man or wolf bc he essentially claimed everything sucked (after 8 years of wolf) and he’ll fix it. He said he’ll lower our taxes and increase wages and reduce crime. Yet he’s been the chief law enforcement officer and he didn’t seem too bothered that Philadelphia has turned into mogadishu. He has zero experience or clue about the economy or creating a job. Both political parties campaign that if the other side wins it will be doom or worse. We continue to see all the political science geniuses and policy makers unable to grasp science re: covid. Wow.

    3. Why didn’t you raise the same questions when the 1 of the Senators was a Republican? Duh? It’s silly season to suggest there be one office shared by two Senators. Then you make the hilarious observation that people with real life experience should be stuffing envelopes in Senate offices. So, you want a surgeon to be an aide in a Senate field office? You also want two Senators to be sharing one office? Sounds like the pitch idea of an updated “Odd Couple” with Felix and Oscar. “Two Senators. One office. A surgeon staffer. The zany times begin.”

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