It’s over.
The most expensive contest for a U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania history came to a close earlier this morning, when Republican Mehmet Oz conceded to Democrat John Fetterman.
Fetterman was projected as the winner by numerous news organizations late Tuesday night and holds a 170,000 vote lead over the celebrity doctor.
Oz offered his concession on Wednesday morning, saying “This morning I called John Fetterman and congratulated him. I wish him and his family all the best, both personally and as our next United States Senator. Campaigning throughout our great Commonwealth was the honor of a lifetime, and I will cherish the memories and the people I met. Pennsylvanians showed up with passion and a vision for a bright future that I found inspiring every day. I want to thank my supporters, so many of whom worked tirelessly to spread our message and support me and my family.
“We are facing big problems as a country and we need everyone to put down their partisan swords and focus on getting the job done. With bold leadership that brings people together, we can create real change. As a Doctor, I always do my best to help others heal. That’s why I ran for Senate. I hope we begin the healing process as a nation soon.”
Fetterman tweeted after the early morning projection, “It’s official. I will be the next U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. We bet on the people of Pennsylvania – and you didn’t let us down And I won’t let you down. Thank you.”
He has not commented since the concession but did take time for a photo with his team.
5 Responses
Fetterman’s campaign was better. He reached out into rural areas. I heard from folks in the T, where Oz should have stopped that they didn’t see him. They did see Fetterman and he spoke about the “forgotten places in PA.”
Oz was the wrong candidate, McCormick likely would have won easily, but the Oz campaign focused too much on larger areas, stops over the summer and early fall in the Rt 6 and I-80 corridors would have paid election day dividends. As a result, PA now will have one of the most liberal Senators in the nation. PS: Trump was not helpful either!
How did they keep it quiet that Oz is a Practicing Muslim ?
I honestly thought the dual citizenship with Turkey and the fact that he voted in the Turkish election as recently as a couple of years ago was a bigger issue. Would he have been an agent for Turkey inside the US Senate?
Thank the deity that OZ has been vanquished back to NJ.
Important question, will Oz be back at the NJ mansion tonight or will he wait until tomorrow to head home?