F&M Poll: 25% Say Corbett Deserves Re-election

Corbett exitTom Corbett’s window is closing. He’ll face voters in 18 months but has yet to show that he can improve his poor numbers, the latest survey from Franklin and Marshall finds.

The F&M poll shows that just 25% of registered Pa. voters believe the Governor deserves re-election. 64% said it’s time for a change. Fewer than half of Republicans, 48%, said he deserves re-election.

25% rate his job performance as excellent or good, while 71% said he’s doing a fair or poor job. It’s a few points worse than Corbett’s performance rating in F&M’s February survey.

He was net negative among every demographic group surveyed, including Republicans (58% fair/poor vs. 39% excellent/good).

On an itemized list of issues, Corbett’s most common grade was a ‘C’ on 7 topics including improving the economy or improving public education. His second most common grade was ‘D’.

That’s the lowest of any Pa. Governor in the 20 years F&M has been keeping track.

The Center for Opinion Research at Franklin & Marshall College polled 526 registered voters from April 30 to May 5 via live interviews to landlines and cell phones. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.3%. 50% of respondents identified as Democrats, 37% identified as Republicans.

Voters’ opinion of Corbett personally is slightly better, but still negative: 29% favorable, 48% unfavorable.


President Barack Obama is also upside down in the survey. 44% say he’s doing an excellent or good job; 55% say he’s doing a fair or poor job. Personally, he’s viewed favorably 52% to 43%.


Senator Bob Casey (D) is in positive territory, viewed favorably by a margin of 43% to 22%. Pat Toomey (R) is also positive, 35% to 22%. It’s a 7 point bump from F&M’s February poll, a result which mirrors a Quinnipiac poll that showed a boost for him following his bipartisan push for more background checks on gun purchases.

But Toomey’s job performance is in less positive territory. 31% gave him excellent or good marks, versus 49% who said fair or poor.

10 Responses

  1. “F&M and Quinnipiac polls are the equivalent of a NYT/DNC poll.” Yep, that is what David Freed said.

    “So, 25% are either getting kickbacks or are too dumb to know how bad Corbett is for PA.”-Dave -I liked this!

    “Hitler’s Berlin bunker administration had nothing on this team.”-paindy /ROTFLMAO!

  2. @Kathleen–keep telling yourself that. I am sure living in a total state of denial helps you sleep at night.

  3. IF, Governor Corbett want to be re-elected he better start talking about Property Tax elimination NOW. In Pa. we are losing businesses because of HIGH Taxes. People are losing their Homes because of rising Property taxes each year. Seniors cannot afford to own their homes because of High Property Taxes. It is time for this Governor to support HB/SB 76 OR come up with his own Plan to Eliminate Property Tax in PA. There can be a fairer way to run our schools & it should not be on the backs of Property Owners. It is all out of hand with these school boards raising our taxes every year just to support their lavish ways. School Buses pick up student at the door & deliver them to the door. What service?? Who Paying for this??? The Property Owners. I say Bill the parents for this kind of service. There is a lot of FAT to be trimmed. School busing should be billed as a priviate service to the parents. I have no kids so why as a home owner should I pay this freight???

  4. These numbers are Miltie Shapp like-he had no base, was anti-machine and his administration was filled with scandal. Well Carter and Hoover had similar numbers. Maybe the problem is that the Corbett administration is Government for the Knight’s of the Corbett Camelot by the Knights of the Corbett Camelot and it grows more insular by the day. Hitler’s Berlin bunker administration had nothing on this team.

  5. “25% of registered Pa. voters believe the Governor deserves re-election”

    So, 25% are either getting kickbacks or are too dumb to know how bad Corbett is for PA.

  6. Forget Castor: Calling Josh Shapiro! Heck, at these numbers even Leslie Richards should give this race a serious look. A Democrat is going to be elected governor next year, and the seat won’t come open for another 8 years.

  7. In 2015 Tom Corbett will probably in jail for Penn state sex abuse scandal

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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