The latest Franklin & Marshall poll should keep Senator Bob Casey in the good mood that last one put him in. For the second poll in a row, Casey is holding a higher approval rating than he was during his successful 2012 re-election campaign.
In the poll, Casey currently has a 38% approval rating, six points ahead of where he was in an August 2011 poll. 10% of respondents say that Casey is doing an excellent job, and 28% say he is doing a good job. For the disapproval numbers, 33% of respondents said Casey was doing a fair job, while 17% say he is doing a poor job.
Regionally Casey faces similar problems to Wolf. Casey’s disapproval ratings are highest in the northwest at 63%. Philadelphia has the second highest disapproval rating for Casey 58% saying he is doing a fair or poor job.
Casey is doing well with self-described liberals and moderates in the state. 56% of self-described liberals and 42% of self-described moderates said Casey is doing an excellent or good job.
Franklin & Marshall surveyed 639 registered voters from May 1st- 7th. Respondents were contacted by letter and given the choice between phone interview or online interview. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percent.
F&M calculates job approval differently than most pollsters that tends to result in lower ratings – regardless of party. Respondents choose between a rating of excellent, good, fair, and poor. The approval numbers are pulled from the excellent and good categories.
15 Responses
Ask yourself what Casey did for you or the state….oh brought in more illegal immigrants for Pennsylvanians to support….
Casey did it before; he’ll do it again. The candidate who eventually runs again Sen. Casey will also have an elected position to fall back on, like State Sen. Wolf.
Let’s vote this pathetic man out of office when we can—ABC:Anybody but Casey! – juesgosio
Easy on the criticism of Northwest PA. I can guarantee that most people in Erie like Casey. The problem is once you get outside of Erie County it gets much more conservative. Almost as if Erie is an island.
Senator Casey is a fine man with impeccable integrity. His opposition to the far right agenda will be desperately needed over the next eight years. There is a czarist like movement developing under Trump. I do not here any voices within the Republican establishment speaking out against the movement. Americans need to wake up.
Casey is widely liked in Philly, despite being anti choice. At least he doesnt vote to defund Planned Parenthood.
Also imagine what kind of Trump troll buffoon the GOP is going to send in to challenge him. Is it that Mango person? I don’t think people will vote for a Mango honestly. A papaya maybe.
Casey is a corrupt politician? That’s a good one considering who is now our president. Senator Casey is an intelligent,fair minded, ethical man who will always get my vote.
If Casey’s last name was Smith he’d be supersizing burger meals in Scranton not imitating a Senator in DC. Let’s stop the political inheritance in Pa like Casey and Shuster have benefited from.
Gee whiz, these R’s are ravenous about this news. Get over it. Casey wins in a landslide, again.
Casey is a zombie…who voted him in..he stated that he was against comey but boohoo trump shouldn’t have fired him…wtf maroooon….
Is there a more useless poll than F & M.
Casey is a corrupt politician- unlike Casey SR. — This Casey Jr stands for little but his own enrichment. His pimping for Obama– his support for the Iran deal and his toleration of the anti Semitism encouraged by Obama is a disgrace. Let’s vote this pathetic man out of office when we can—ABC:Anybody but Casey!
Casey needs to go. Casey is a socialist that walks all over the constitution.
Easy there, Gulag, there are a lot of really great people who live in Northwest PA.
Maybe the problem is in the Northwest people, not in Casey. One of these days these rednecks will wake up and their freedoms are gone along with their healthcare, as Herr Drumpf sends his gestapo to confiscate their guns.