In the latest Franklin & Marshall poll, Governor Tom Wolf’s approval ratings are continuing to increase, keeping him ahead of former Governor Tom Corbett at the same point in 2013 and on almost even with former Governor Ed Rendell.
Wolf’s approval rating stands at 41%, 17 points ahead of Corbett’s (25%) during the same time frame, and only one point behind Rendell’s (42%). Wolf received two points higher than Corbett for excellent, 5% versus 3%, and 14 points ahead of Corbett among voters saying he is doing a good job, 36% to 22%. Rendell ran just ahead of Wolf for excellent getting 6% and matching Wolf on good job. Wolf’s disapproval ratings are at 35% saying fair, and 17% saying poor.
Wolf faces his strongest challenges in the Southwest and the Northwest, with 70% and 66% disapproval ratings respectively. Wolf’s third worst disapproval rating comes from Philadelphia, where the disapproval rating is 59%.
Wolf’s messaging from 2014 that he is an outsider may continue to be in his talking points, 22% of voters think that government and politicians are the most important problem facing Pennsylvania.
Franklin & Marshall surveyed 639 registered voters from May 1st- 7th. Respondents were contacted by letter and given the choice between phone interview or online interview. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percent.
F&M calculates job approval differently than most pollsters that tends to result in lower ratings – regardless of party. Respondents choose between a rating of excellent, good, fair, and poor. The approval numbers are pulled from the excellent and good categories.
6 Responses
Wolf Pack 2018!!!!
Senator Wagner, call up George Allen to find out how to lose an election.
Rendell had a strong SE base. Wagner is going to crush Wolf in York County where they are both from. Scott Wagner is favored to win.
With opponents like Scott “Bush League” Wagner Gov Wolf looks good. What was Wagner thinking when he engaged in some encounter with an op research staffer filming his event??? This stuff is a “day in the life” for the skilled savy candidate for Governor but Scott Wagner played it amateurish all the way. News flash for Scott Wagner–you know those phones folks carry around everyday? Guess what? They can film appearances with that too! Gov Wolf looks skilled and calming which helps when guiding the State.
Wolf has far exceeded liar Corbett and will outdo fast-talking (stupidly too often) Eddie Rendell.
Transparency, honesty and integrity equate to high ratings! Phooey! We need bribes, kickbacks and pay to play. La familia has been pushed away from the trough for too long and my cousin Stevie, jUNIOR didn’t help when he blew the A.G. Race. It’s a good thing we still got Stack. Otherwise, the godfather would have everybody whacked. If he gives the order, I hope he starts with Stack’s mouthy runt. She is way too loud.