Nine months into his first year as PA Governor, Tom Wolf is taking some hits to his approval rating.
36% of PA voters think Wolf is doing an “excellent” or “good” job as governor, down three points from August, according to the latest Franklin & Marshall poll. Democrats still support the man they elected last year to replace Tom Corbett, with 57% commending Wolf’s work.
The poll notes Wolf is enjoying similar levels of support as Corbett and Ed Rendell in the first year of their administrations.
Wolf has a 38% favorability rating, with 33% rating him unfavorably, according to the poll.
More than half – 51% – of those surveyed said they blame the state legislature for having no budget. Just 32% hold Wolf responsible for the four-month delay. Additionally, more voters trust Wolf to make state budget decisions than the General Assembly – 43% to 38%.
Some of Wolf’s tax proposals have widespread support: 71% for taxes on smokeless tobacco and 61% for a natural gas severance tax. On the other hand, only 25% support Wolf’s proposed increases on the state’s personal income tax, while 34% support an increase in the sales tax to help close the budget gap.
This poll was conducted by the Center for Opinion Research at Franklin & Marshall College. They surveyed 614 registered Pennsylvania voters from October 19th to October 25th. The margin of error is +/- 3.9%.
5 Responses
The Buck stops at WOLF. He could have signed a temporary spending bill so our schools and state workers were funded, while negotiations continued. The only reason schools are borrowing is because he is trying to play hardball. Well Wolfy, myself and tens of thousands of other Pennsylvanians are writing and calling our legislators and telling them to continue to oppose your tax and spend budget. SPEND LESS MONEY…live within your means, just like the rest of us do. In fact, after this comment, I am going to write my representatives again, just to reinforce my disdain for your budget.
Corbett is history… that your only excuse to pawn tw on us…
Come on the voters elected tw knowing he would raise taxes…let’s get it on…tax us more….we obviously would love it…
I won’t be surprised if Wolf is not the next ‘one term Tom.’ Wolf should be doing his job as Governor and not playing vindictive politics by meddling with the Democratic State Committee, putting his hand-chosen patsies (or Ed Rendell’s) in as Chair and Executive Director. This is a path to alienate the workers in the party, make voters even more disgusted, and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Small wonder voter turnout next week will be in the 20s.
Similar level of support as Corbett in his first year as Gov….. I’d like to see what Corbett’s poll numbers are now and his favorability rating as Kane unpeels the porn email onion.