Former Teacher Jumps in the Race to Challenge Meehan

Paul Perry Profile-s (1)Paul Perry, a former Philadelphia teacher, is jumping into the race to challenge Congressman Pat Meehan (R-Delaware) next year.  

“As the leader of two organizations aimed at serving youth in our community, I know it’s not enough to talk about improving lives — I’ve worked to deliver real results. I will rely on this same passion and skillset if you send me to Congress to represent you,” Perry’s website reads.  

Perry is working through Brand New Congress, a national organization founded by former volunteers and staffers from Bernie Sanders’ Presidential campaign.  The organization is working to “be a big tent for anyone who is tired of partisan politics and wants to just accomplish the big tasks necessary to actually change this country” according to their website.  

Perry is making a central part of his campaign a push for universal healthcare and a push for education reforms.  

The adopted son of two fathers, Perry is a native of Montgomery county.  Along with being a former teacher, Perry was an education consultant.  

PoliticsPA has reached out to Meehan’s campaign for comment.

20 Responses

  1. This guy will never win…”education consultant” says it all to me, enough said …A lot of talk and no substance. Will get crushed.

    1. I watched his interview. Seems like a fundraising salesman. Can’t find a real bio,think he’s hiding something.

  2. I don’t know what is worse for this gentleman’s candidacy. The fact that he is not living in his district, which is a political death sentence, or the fact that he is a Bernie Sanders liberal in a Middle of the road district. A moderate dem could probably take Meehan down, but to align himself with a Bernie group in the 7th? Don’t think that is a smart move.

    Also, on a 2nd look, this organization seems like a joke. A Bernie Sanders liberal group that is sick of partisan politics? Is this an editorial error, or just dumb? Sounds like this guy is an undercover obstructionist. Not a big deal though, he will probably grab a great big 8-12% of the primary vote. Meehan will end up beating Daylin by 12ish% in the general.

    1. One of the reasons the Democrats keep losing is because they keep rejecting those “Bernie Sanders liberals.” That old Ed Rendell cronyism is killing the party.

      1. Tommy, I can certainly agree that the, as you put it, “Ed Rendell cronyism” is killing the party. But, in this district, the Bernie Sanders liberal policy outlook will not work. In other places, I think you hit it right on the nose, rejecting these ideas has caused major problems, but in this district I think that hugging close to the center, without being a corrupt crony capitalist (alliteration at its finest), is the march to victory.

  3. I went to Norristown Area High School with Paul and he’s been a stand-out leader for as long as I can remember. He cares about people and has been involved in education reform on many different levels and is a huge supporter of the LGBT community. Can’t think of a better candidate for the job.

    1. Lauren-

      Can you think of a candidate who could actually win?

      He should for State Rep. Plenty of seats there that are vulnerable and in need of a candidate to challenge the GOP.

      1. Good point here David. Hard to jump into Congress with little to no political record. Nothing wrong with running for State Rep and building a reputation.

  4. So another random no-name who doesn’t reside in the 7th is running against Meehan? And democrats wonder why they keep losing? All those liberals hiding behind the Fair Districts campaign in Pa should take notice. The reason you can’t win in the 6th, 7th, and 8th is your own doing. Stop whining and find serious candidates.

    1. Keep trying-

      Umm.. the reason “why they keep losing” is because districts like the 7th are gerrymandered to be unwinnable by Dem to consolidate GOP power and disenfranchise the voters. Even Joe Sestak could retake the 7th district. It’s the 3rd most GOP by registration ratio.

      So, for the 7th to be viable, the Dems would essentially have to be strong enough to win the 15 other seats that are easier.

      Last time I checked, the seats weren’t 15-Dem to 3-GOP, and 16 to 2 in reach.

  5. The only registered Dem named Paul Perry living in the 7th and Montco is 74 years old.

    There is a 38 year old Dem named Paul Perry living in Philly.

    This is as of the June 12th statewide snapshot.

    Why are so many people fighting to get their ass whooped by Meehan? Daylin has an “announcement event” July 6th? Why then? Answer: because he doesn’t have to show a June campaign finance report.

    1. Reasons for all the interest in PA-7:

      1. ON PAPER, it is still an R+1, won by HRC and Obama in past POTUS years (though Romney carried it narrowly in 2012), and because of its suburban presence, it has the makeup of a district that the national Democrats claim should be prime for flipping in the Trump era. Party registration numbers don’t capture that the GOP’ers who occupy the district tend to be of the more moderate, college-educated variety who could potentially be swung. These aren’t socially conservative “T” Republicans. The realities of Meehan’s advantages are definitely debatable, but that’s what’s on paper.

      2. Because the DCCC and the like have already coalesced around a candidate for the 6th, they seem to be funneling most other prospective congressional candidates from the area who approach them into the 7th. They know that one is a reach mostly thanks to Meehan’s war chest, so I think they are quite content to let that district have a wild west primary so long as they get their preferred horse in the 6th (and likely the 8th, though no one has come out of the woodwork in Bucks yet).

      3. Let’s face it, because of how it’s drawn it’s tough to tell the difference of whether you live in it or not with so many split municipalities. I think the Philly folks running for the seat are a stretch, but if you reside even close to it, it’s fair game. Remember, the US Constitution only enumerates age and citizenship restrictions to run for Congress. There are no geographic restrictions, and while opponents are likely to point it out, it’s not impossible to overcome.

      1. PACMan-

        The primary may be the wild-west but Daylin has the most name recognition and will likely win the primary and is certain to lose in November, pissing away millions of dollars that would be better spent on fair redistricting.

        The bang-for-the-buck of fixing redistricting is worth more than all the money that will be spent in PA on congressional races this cycle.

        1. Where would the “millions of dollars that would be better spent on fair redistricting” be spent exactly??? PA doesn’t have a binding referendum or initiative process, so it can’t be passed by citizens. The legislature benefits from the status quo so they sure as hell ain’t gonna do it themselves. There’s no place TO “spend” to enact fair redistricting!!!

          If you are referring to spending in state legislative races, I certainly agree with that, but with the maps in their current state, chances of taking a legislature before 2020 is pretty low (though gains can be made). Frankly the best hope for redistricting is making sure Wolf gets reelected and maintaining the Supreme Court. Those alone will ensure that Dems have a seat at the table this time around!

          1. PacMan-

            I am talking about spending in state leg races (or the typical quid-pro-quo bribing legislators that regularly goes unpunished for votes for oil/gas or charter schools).

            But, mostly putting a shit-ton of money in to flipping state legislative seats or even putting up a GOP primary challenger to every GOP incumbent on the specific issue of fair redistricting. Primary challenge the Dems who won’t sign onto fair redistricting too.

            Fixing this one issue will wind up fixing 90% of the other issues that are held hostage by the power of gerrymandering.

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