A long-time communications executive is running for Governor in 2022.
Charlie Gerow, CEO of Quantum Communications and Vice Chairman of CPAC and the American Conservative Union, formally announced his intentions to seek the Republican Party nomination for Governor on Thursday evening.
“I know what needs to be done,” Gerow said, when asked about why he entered the statewide race, in an interview with PoliticsPA. “And I know how to do it.”
“The time is right for a sensible, solid, conservative who can build coalitions to win to run on the Republican side and that’s why I’m running,” he continued.
Gerow said that there will be several issues on the minds of voters for the 2022 election, but specifically pinpointed his support for a constitutional amendment to recall and replace any governor, cleaning up state government, job creation, and education.
His campaign website touts his background in GOP politics, which includes beginning his career on the campaign staff of Ronald Reagan and supporting “the Right to Life,” school choice, Pennsylvania energy, and being a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association.
Gerow also released a 1:30 plus long video that highlights his upbringing, work for Reagan’s presidential campaign, while also criticizing the “liberal media.”
This will be Gerow’s first run for statewide office in Pennsylvania. In the 1980s and 1990s, he launched multiple unsuccessful campaigns for the state Senate and Congress.
While Attorney General Josh Shapiro has been viewed as the Democratic frontrunner for Governor, the GOP race appears to be much more wide open.
Although Gerow, who also previously served as the national co-chair to Carly Fiorina’s 2016 presidential campaign, has spent decades cultivating a network of Republican professionals and has built relationships with many GOP insiders, he believes that his message will resonate with Trump voters.
“I’ve also had the opportunity to be on the air on television several days each week for 21 years,” Gerow said, in response to how he can connect with those voters. “So, I’ve had the opportunity to directly communicate with an awful lot of folks through the media for decades.”
“And I think that helps to translate,” he continued. “But most important, I think the message that we have will connect with voters in the ways that Trump loyalists will really really like and Trump enthusiasts will really really like.”
Gerow also said that he’d be able to “take on” Shapiro “in the media” and “beat him on a debate stage.”
Congressman G.T. Thompson (R-Centre), who is backing Gerow’s bid for Governor, said that he thinks Gerow would be a “governor who can make things happen.” Thompson is serving as Gerow’s honorary campaign chair.
Gerow told PoliticsPA that he’ll be rolling out additional campaign co-chairs, but said that Gen. Chris Bernie will serve as the campaign chair and former GOP Treasurer candidate Otto Voit will serve as campaign treasurer.
Former Congressman Lou Barletta, Jason Richey, an Allegheny County resident and partner at Pittsburgh’s K&L Gates law firm, Dr. Nche Zama, former Corry Mayor Jason Monn, and Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale have all formally announced bids for the statewide office.
State Sens. Dan Laughlin (R-Erie) and Scott Martin (R-Lancaster) announced exploratory committees for Governor earlier this month, while Congressman Dan Meuser (R-Luzerne), state Sen. Doug Mastriano (R-Franklin), and former U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain, are also reportedly weighing a run for Governor.
34 Responses
I watched Charlie on Face The State every Sunday. He took down libs like Sleepy Bob Casey. He is definitely going to be an interesting candidate to watch.
Let’s go Charlie!
I have met Charlie several times. He has always been a kind and friendly man. I look forward to seeing his campaign develop.
This is a real game changer. I can feel the winds of fortune rallying.
Former Lower Merion State Constable Eric Bradway is running for Governor of Pennsylvania .
Charlie is such a great guy! He is exactly what Pennsylvania needs!
Gerow could probably give Shapiro a decent run, but unfortunately he will never make it out of the Primary. The GOP will probably endorse Barletta, who also has a good chance to win. Mastriano, a total wing nut (but has lots of Trump supporters) and Gerow are from the same geographic reason and they will dilute each others vote in some key counties. This is an effort in futility for Gerow and unless he spends millions of dollars, he is toast.
Gerow is definitely better than the 90 day wonder Mastriano. Mail-in Mastriano is a total nut job. Hopefully, voters will make the right choice and give us a good candidate. Though I won’t hold my breath.
Shawshank has a point. They might pull from the same geographic area and have trouble in the primary. It is a long time until election day thought. Hopefully, Gerow spends the money and time he needs to be competitive because the alternative options right now seam like they are likely to lose.
I love all the pro Gerow comments that are clearly posted by someone being paid.
Lol like anyone would care enough, or have enough money, to pay someone to post on this site. Dude just clearly has some people who like him. Take off your tin foil hat.
So they had all those pro posts within an hour? Doesn’t seem a bit suspicious to be posted in such a cluster that seems intentionally spaced?
Yes. I think it’s obvious that they have volunteers/consultants post this stuff. People pay people for Twitter reports. Same concept. Creating momentum on social media.
Wow! It is so amazing to see a latino immigrant Republican like Gerow, who has overcome so much, throw his hat in the ring. Unlike so many politicians, Gerow has had to fight for everything in his life. He will be a great fighter for the people of Pennsylvania!
The hack Shaprio is probably shaking in his boots! He won’t know what to do when he has to go head to head with Gerow. It will be like watching a father schooling a child. Gerow is the only one running who can beat the hack Shaprio!
Well we know Charlie is into spanking so maybe this is an apt comparison.
I am so excited to finally see a Republican who could wins step up and run. Gerow is so much better than lazy loser lou and mail in mastriano.
Let’s go Charlie! You have my vote 100%
Charlie will destroy Josh Shaprio in a debate. He is the CLEAR republican choice BY FAR!
Since when does winning a debate matter? Plus, Gerow is not the clear Republican choice because he will never get the endorsement with all the big names in this race. The games have already started with the sheepish state committee people. Without the endorsement, he has no chance whatsoever. I predict he drops out before the Primary. The GOP hacks will get to him.
I don’t think so. Gerow has been a member of the State Committee for a long time and likely has friends who could help him. More importantly the “big names” in the race are either losers or crazy. Lazy Lou already had his statewide shot and lost big time – over 600k votes! Mail-in Mastriano voted for all the stuff that us Republicans are now fighting against. It may not be Gerow who ends up winning but I would hope the party picks someone who could actually be competitive!!
If he’s got campaign funds I can see some YR and college republican hacks wanting staff positions. I already see these kids sharing his facebook stuff
Clearly he is doing something right. He seams to be able to communicate the republican message to young voters… which is more than almost any other candidate can claim!
If it isn’t going to be “honest” Tim Murphy, then it has to be “Sweet” Lou Baretta! Those pearly white chicklets he has in his mouth has to be very enticing and a qualifying factor for governor!
Was Gerow entering the race a feeble attempt to make Lou Barletta appear a viable candidate by comparison? Pathetic seems less pathetic when compared to really pathetic.
Nothing could make Barletta look viable. At least Gerow has a long record of bipartisan stuff. He supported weed legalization and criminal justice reform. He is def a better option. He could at least be bipartisan
Gerow bipartisan? He does a tv show with a Dem and now Gerow is a man of the people? Dude loves hearing his own voice and now his entourage posts here saying Gerow will best Josh Shapiro in a debate 2 years before the election. Oh goodness, the Republican Party is starting to look like Vince McMahon’s World Federation Wrestling league.
No good, or even decent, GOP candidate has yet to emerge. And none likely will emerge. All are enthralled by the Orange Moron Liar Criminal.
Gerow is a mediocre at best consultant and not exactly a captain of industry. This run is for his inflated ego. It definitely isn’t for the people of PA who need someone way more qualified.
Gerow is one of the most qualified candidates running. He has been fighting for good policies for years! He championed criminal justice reform, tax and regulation cuts, and many others! Seriously, do your research. He is MORE than qualified!
So far, Laughlin is the only one I’ve seen that hasn’t knelt at the altar of the great Orange Satan aka the Traitor, aka Putin’s Lap Dog. Gerow was doing ok but then had to mention the Great Liar, he who loves the Showers of Gold. And GT Thompson won the Politics PA poll a few months ago – why isn’t GT running?
GT Thompson has STRONGLY endorsed Gerow. He is helping chair his campaign and everything. No question that GT is 100% backing Gerow!
GT is a great judge of character! I am so happy to hear he is supporting Charlie!
Hard pass.