Overall it was a good week for Governor Tom Corbett. After several attempts the state legislature finally passed the transportation bill providing him a much needed victory. Just hours later, however, the Governor is already hearing from his base about their dissatisfaction with the spending included in this piece of legislation.
The Independence Hall Tea Party Association condemned the legislation because it increases the state’s gas tax.
“Governor Tom Corbett, obviously, twisted the arms of Republican State Representatives in order pass this disastrous piece of legislation,” Association President Teri Adams stated. “Instead of cutting funds from other areas of the budget to pay for needed bridge and road repairs around the state, the Governor and his minions decided to sock it to the taxpayers.”
The organization threatened to buy gas in Pennsylvania’s neighboring states in order to avoid the new taxes.
The Governor was also criticized by the national conservative group American Future Fund Political Action who announced a multimedia ad campaign that would associate passage of the transportation bill and the failure of liquor privatization to Obamacare.
The ad campaign will target both conservative and mainstream radio stations and websites.
“Our message is simple: Pennsylvanians are fed up with their elected officials abandoning the free market and supporting policies to increase the size of government,” said AFF Political Action Chairman Nick Ryan. “From the failed Obamacare Medicaid expansion, to the gas tax just this week, and continued government control of the state’s liquor industry, Pennsylvania has slowly become a state that is only an enabler to the liberal national agenda.”
Backlash came in the opposite direction as well. Yesterday State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe was attacked in robo calls to his district that accused him of “phony conservatism.” The calls directed recipients to the website therealdarylmetcalfe.com, that seeks to undermine his status as a conservative leader. It is unclear at this point, who is behind these robocalls.
9 Responses
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This budget is another tragedy for Pa. families. Progressives like Corbett richly deserve defeat. I am voting 3rd Party next year if Corbett is not toppled in the primaries. And I cannot believe that Metcalf stabbed us in the back!
The biggest political aspect of the transportation funding bill is that the House Republican Leader voted against it. How does Sam Smith feel about that? Republican Whip Stan Saylor? Bill Adolph? Nick Micozzie? And what about his fellow Allegheny County Republicans who voted “Aye” like John Maher and Mark Mustio? To say nothing of Tom Corbett and Joe Scarnati.It’s not just a question of whether the House Republican Leader will go unchallenged after the next election. Will he lose his man card? If the House Republican Leader goes unchallenged, the above-named individuals should lose theirs.
CORBETT’s Monday victory lap should be called the Broken Promise Tour. Next spring primary write-in “gas tax” instead of voting for Promises broken Corbett.
Does the 2013 Transportation bill include the construction of an underground tunnel from the Governor’s Mansion to the Loudon County, Virginia estate of Acting and UNELECTED Governor John Brabender’s Virginia Horse Country estate, as an escape route for the Corbetts, Nutts, and COS Gromis-Baker if the proverbial “waste” hits the fan? Yes Tom Corbett-Brabender Cox REMAINS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!!!
The Guv is changing his campaign slogan to “Promises made, promises broken”. The only promises he has kept are those he made to his corporate backers. Rank and file tea party folk just got screwed big time. I suggest they take a morning after pill and head to a clinic to be tested for STD’s. (Shyster Tom Disillusionment). Before treatment they may be subjected to invasive anal ultra sound so they can see what they were thinking when they voted for Corbett. The hard core believers can just close their eyes!
Corbett promised he would not raise your taxes. Another promise BROKEN.
The 11th commandment is never talk bad about republicans.
Anyone who opposes this bill is just a cheapskate. the average cost on residents is about $2 a week.
Thats cheaper than a cup of coffee at starbucks.
Grover Norquist is mad at the Pennsylvania Republicans. Governor Rendell couldn’t get a budget passed on time because of Grover – The Republicans just broke the 11th Commandment – NO NEW TAXES!