Governor Chris Christie Campaigns for Fitzpatrick
New Jersey reformer says Fitzpatrick needed in Congress
FAIRLESS HILLS, Pa–Mike Fitzpatrick today received a rousing endorsement from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in his bid to reclaim the Eighth Congressional District from incumbent Congressman Patrick Murphy.
Christie’s visit came as Fitzpatrick heads in the final two weeks of the campaign with building momentum. “American’s are tied of business as usual in Congress,” said Fitzpatrick, “and the people of the Eighth Congressional District are tired of a Congressman who votes in lockstep with his party. Governor Christie has demonstrated in New Jersey that the era of cynical politics is coming to a close and I’m honored to have his support.”
Christie spoke at the fundraising lunch at Silvi Concrete in Fairless Hills of his reform efforts in New Jersey and the need for a partner on the federal level like Mike Fitzpatrick to help our economy growth out the recession that has seen unemployment double on Congressman Murphy’s watch.