Grand Jury Recommended Criminal Contempt Charge for Kane

KaneYet another piece of bad news for Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

According to a court filing on Wednesday by supervising Judge William R. Carpenter of Montgomery County, the statewide grand jury that investigated Kane for alleged leaks to a Philadelphia newspaper recommended a previously undisclosed charge of criminal contempt.

“The truth is crying to be heard,” Carpenter wrote.

In a brief to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Montgomery County judge wrote that the grand jury had proposed this charge to go along with perjury, official oppression, obstruction of justice and false swearing.

This differs from a December filing in which Carpenter had only mentioned the four charges above. The development could have a significant impact on the legal approach of Kane and her lawyers.

Last month, Kane and her lawyer, Lanny Davis, stated that the special prosecutor had found no evidence to support a charge for contempt of court; therefore she had not violated the law.

So far, Kane has maintained her innocence and vehemently proclaims she has done nothing wrong.

20 Responses

  1. I suppose the angry men moved on to ruining her marriage after ruining her career. She couldn’t have had a hand in any of that.

  2. How bout her dirty laundry Dave? Her taking Suspicious trips to Haiti on taxpayers dime? Your such a phony clown Dave typical libtard who sucks up to the establishment democrats for praise probably to make yourself feel worthwhile. Well porno Dave is he to expose all you phony left liberals and porn rules. Straight porn. Not the kind Dave likes

  3. That is possible. Problem is this: Kane is under investigation still for something that the very judge now investigating yet has now done himself. I think this is the key and is what is being lost. Im wondering where the “righteous” defense of the judges actions are. Because either this is not legal and now the judge must be investigated himself for what he has done, or its legal and both the AG and this judge are off the hook.

  4. Jared-
    Besides taking her out of contention for Senate (not clear if she was even interested in it), they’ve not only sought to smear her in hopes of denying her a second term as AG, but they are desperate to remove her during her first term.

    I makes me wonder what other corrupt bullsh*t they were into, because it seems like they want her out before she uncovers more of their dirty laundry.

  5. I think something has been lost in the shuffle here. As I understand the whole case is up for review by the state Supreme Court. I would think that would prevent carpenter from releasing anything about the case before a decision on proceeding is made. Am I the only person that sees the irony of a case that involves the AG leaking grand jury info and then the judge that is investigating her goes and does the same thing? Id be more concerned as to the lack of uproar over that more than anything. And to what end? I can only assume carpenter knows that he is due to lose and is simply looking to burn everyone on the way down.i mean you can’t cry foul over the AG and what she did and then simply go bobble head when the judge investigating her (quite possibly illegally btw, another thing to soon be determined) turns around and does exactly what he is trying to get the AG tossed for. Either it’s ok to do and bother are off the hook or it’s not and both are in for a world of hurt.

    Not like it matters what happens to Kane since she already said she wasn’t going to run for us senate, so this anger and whole situation seems a bit vindictive.

  6. Hey Big Moocha. Let the AG do her job? Isn’t her job to defend the laws of the state? Not the ones she see fit? iE. Gay marriage. What a joke She’s a crooked crumb just like the rest of you Libs. And Peggy you probably don’t like porn because all the boys shunned your for hot conservative women

  7. Peggy, please explain your bizarre fascination with Frank Fina and how he wields more power than Seth Williams.

  8. Wow….What a Judge he can write, enact and enforce Law as he go;s oh yea and decide what charges to Recommend….!

    It’s no wounder in 1991 the Republican Controlled Senate Judiciary Committee (I believe Republican Sen Stewart Greenleaf of Montgomery County was a member or Chairman) held up the highly qualified Gubernatorial Judicial appointment of Andrew B. Cantor, a Democrat, for an extended period of time until the heavily registered Republican County could elect Mr Carpenter a politically connected Republican Asst DA. as Judge.
    Yikes…These Republicans really cant stand not being able to control the State Attorney General’s Office.

    Gee makes me wounder how this whole Politically motivated shame ended up in Montgomery County to begin with. Why would a Republican Supreme Court Justice send a case against a Democratic Female Attorney General to such a partisan Republican County !!!

    This actually is getting scary that the Politics is such that Good People don’t want to serve in their own Government !!!

    Give us a break with this B S already !!! Let the Attorney General do her job that the overwhelming majority of Pennsylvanian’s elected her to do !!

  9. I don’t like porn -it is disgusting. I just want EVERYONE who had porn on their computer to be listed publicly. So we can determine what their agenda is. As far as the Attorney General, who linked what? This is a personal revenge against the AG because she had the guts to reinvestigate Sandusky. Politics is dirty and rotten. When you try to do a good job, you make enemies, unfortunately, in this case, the enemy is working hard to smear the Ag’s reputation.

  10. I return from Florida only to see that this board now has a Soviet (pro-Democrat) comment policy. Keep them coming Porno Dave. Be careful not to violate the comment policy. I guess it’s now offensive in this politically correct world (and board) we now live in, for men to talk about Hot looking Chicks. Then again most democrats men (not interested) and women (jealous) don’t like Hot Chicks.

  11. Sounds like Peggy likes porn too. So worried about computer porn. Not the AG being a criminal that’s not important. [Redacted for violation of the comment policy.]

  12. Sounds like Peggy likes porno too. She’s more worried about porno then the state AG leaking info and criminal activity

  13. Your not the only one bungy. They don’t call me porno Dave for nothing. [Redacted for violation of the comment policy.]

  14. Isn’t it strange that the Philly DA can’t make a move without Frank Fina telling him what to do. Again, as a taxpayer, I want to see the names of everyone who looked at porn on their computer. I don’t want to hear that you can do whatever on your lunch, that’s is not true! It is still the taxpayer’s computer, unless you use your own. I can’t believe more taxpayers haven’t come forward to ask for the names.

  15. @ Observer:

    In response to your gambit, note comments regarding a prior article [Kane: “No, I Won’t Resign”] that refuted David Diano [January 22, 2015 at 11:44 pm] after he had endorsed the claim by Lanny Davis that the absence of this charge was particularly telling; this is another reason why Lanny’s legal competence seems increasingly flawed [a problem that must be bleeding into his “PR”-work].

    In a prior exchange with DD [Report: Grand Jury Recommends Criminal Charges Against Kane], documentation of his “destroyed” credibility was provided, and it would seem apt [therefore] to quote my brother’s suggestion [in other contexts] that he [and other Dem-acolytes] need cease-and-desist, for she should have a fork stuck into her … because she’s “done”; regardless of what he is arguing, you might best reconsider your stance if you are tempted to agree with him.

    Lest DD feel he can resurrect his cred by forgetting the past, one need only recall what was written previously [December 22, 2014 at 4:45 pm]: “You have advocated the overthrow of the Israeli government throughout Israel’s entire lifetime … explaining why you have endorsed the behavior of Hamas [which the USA has designated as a terrorist organization] that is, itself, promoting policies that are consonant with those of the Islamic State.”

    These conclusions were cited after having read DD’s prior lame attempts to defend AG-Kane; documentation of why his comments would best be ignored had been compiled following a series of e-mail exchanges [extending over multiple sites] regarding myriad topics.

    In any case, piggy-backing upon McCord, the longer Kane remains the incumbent, the more the “Dem Brand” damage will help Toomey … regardless of who is nominated; nothing DD can compose [drawing from recognized facts, not his fantasies] could refute this conclusion.

  16. So in what way is this “bad news” for her? This is more like a “Grand Jury indicts Ham Sandwich; also, Sun rises in east” type of pleading. Carpenter knows he has no legal standing to do what he did, and he is whining and crying like a damn baby to get sympathy. Note that he cannot cite ONE statute or Court Rule that authorizes his extra-judicial maneuvers. HE is the one who should face ethical discipline, along with his computer-porn buddy, Freakie Frank. As for these sham “charges,” as Gertrude Stein said, “there is no there, there.”

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