Schuylkill County commissioners Chairman George Halcovage announced he is running for the newly drawn 9th Congressional district.
The Republican Halcovage made his announcement at the D.G. Yuengling and Son brewery.
“I am hereby humbly asking for the support of our district to run for the House of Representatives and continue a new chapter of community service to benefit everyone,” Halcovage said according to the Republican Herald.
Halcovage said he has been approached by people throughout the district about running for the seat that includes Schuylkill, Carbon, Columbia, Lebanon, and Montour counties and parts of Berks, Luzerne, and Northumberland counties.
Halcovage joins fellow Republican Dan Meuser in running for the seat.
21 Responses
Funny sight in downtown Pottsville – in the empty office suite above Dave Argall’s storefront district office there’s a YUGE Meuser for Congress sign in the window. Ouch!
Anyone outside Schuylkill County would have rocks in their heads to vote for a Skook candidate. Skook Republicans have never supported a GOP candidate from outside their county. In fact, they were in bed with Skook Democrat Tim Holden until he was beaten by someone even further left than Timmy was.
If Dave Argall opted not to run for this, Ole Georgie boy has ZERO chance of winning!
No mention of a candidate from Berks (Scott Uehlinger) who announced before Halcovage did. Berks does have the most voters in the district. That said, Meuser has hit the ground running and has the endorsement of all four northern counties (Columbia, Luzerne, Montour, and Northumberland.)
Uehlinger has zero chance of winning, in my opinion. There is a reason he is not mentioned…no one knows him. I thought only part of Berks is in the District? Plus, Barletta is endorsing Meuser and Barletta has a lot of influence in the District.
No one knows him? The guy is on Fox News all the time.
He’s been visiting local VFWs for the past few months and is constantly on the radio.
Nice to see a candidate who isn’t a career politician.
George Halcovage is a wanna-be politician with no experience. He thinks he is so much more important than he is. Meuser will run away with this race and I think he will win in Schuylkill County because Halcovage is not well liked. I can’t for the life of me figure out why Halcovage would throw his name in the hat. This is bad news for Schuylkill County. He should not be re-elected to Commissioner after this stunt.
Don’t forge George’s “me too” (maybe 3 or 4) moments soon to come out!
Tim Holden should run. He’s exactly the type of Democrat that could thrive in this district
He would have to be insane to give up a great gig as Chairman of the LCB to go back to Congress as a freshman member even if the Democrats take control of it. He is probably already collecting his federal pension, and possibly his Schuykill County pension from his years as Sheriff. If he stays at the LCB long enough. He will have achieved the PA politician’s Dream of winning the Triple Crown by earning a County, State and Federal pension in one career.
Halcovage has no chance to win. He came late to the party, has no money, no name recognition, and his ego is as big as the earth. I can’t believe he would challenge Meuser. This is career suicide for Halcovage.
Challenge Meuser?—it’s an open seat (as if Meuser is somehow entitled to it.) In a district like this there needs to be a free and open primary process. No one asked for the district’s format, after all.
Yes, challenge Meuser. Prior to Halcovage running he actually invited Meuser to the Schuylkill County Republican Lincoln Day dinner. There are pictures on Facebook. Then, after Halcovage paraded Meuser around and got support for him, he (Halcovage) decided to run. This was a classless move by Halcovage and shows that he is not loyal. This will come back to bite him. I agree with others, he is an ego-maniac.
At least Halcovage has Skook GOP Vice-Chair Howie Merrick and one of Merrick’s recent former high school students (now his girlfriend) going around with him. What’s a 40-45 year age difference when love is concerned? Maybe we should ask her father…ya think???
This has to be the weakest group of
candidates in the entire state. Thankfully there
are no credible democrats.
Former Secretary of Revenue and Meuser is a “weak candidate”? He’s got money, experience politically, in government and private sector. I think that characterization is off.
Meuser, with his history of hiring illegals and giving money to liberal candidates, is hardly a fit for this conservative district. Halcovage has a history of raising taxes– not gonna fly in the new 9th.
Scott Uehlinger, a former CIA officer and a Navy vet who was an early Trump delegate, is also running in this district. He would appear to be the frontrunner, especially since he was previously running in Dent’s old district before the map fiasco.
George Halcovage is not ready for prime time. His ego is 1000x bigger than his campaign fundraising ability. This is not a local race. It’s a huge district and you can’t win it without the finances. If we learned nothing from the Saccone vs Lamb nightmare, ability to raise money and to have an enormous grassroots machine in every single county really matters. The Democrat’s will have deep pockets in the general election and a massive ground game in every county. If the R’s want to retain this seat, they have to get the only guy in there who can go up against yet another dangerous moderate D in Denny Wolf and the DNC deep pockets and grassroots machine. The only person who can beat Denny (and beat him big) is Meuser. PA Republicans can’t afford another round of a weak R candidate who gets beaten in the general. Last nights 18th was painful and R’s have no interest in reliving it.
Per his campaign site, Meuser doesn’t even live in the new district.
Think press release from Meuser was transparent that he’s right on the cusp. Per the United States Constitution Article 1 Section 2, a candidate doesn’t have to live in the district. The requirements are: US Citizen 7 years; resident of state; 25 years or older. That’s it. So King George Taxacovage better learn the constitution else he is as guilty as the liberal judges who ignored it by redrawing the lines.
Thanks for the ConLaw lesson Justice Ginsburg. The legality of him running isn’t at issue. Granted, his carpetbagger status isn’t as damning as it could be considering the map business, but it doesn’t change the fact that he is physically not in the district he’s hoping to represent.