Hands Down: Pat Toomey Wins the First Debate
Allentown, PA – U.S. Senate candidate and former small business owner Pat Toomey scored a decisive victory over Congressman Joe Sestak in tonight’s debate held at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
Pat was the only candidate tonight to offer a clear and coherent vision for creating jobs and getting the economy back on track. Pat was also able to point to his record of creating jobs in the private sector and his record of fighting for fiscal responsibility when he was in Congress – even standing up to his own Republican leaders to save taxpayers money.
Throughout the night, Congressman Joe Sestak lobbed the same old tired attacks we have heard throughout the campaign while trying desperately to run away from his record of voting for every single bailout, record deficits, government-run health care, and a cap-and-trade energy. Congressman Sestak could not point to one example in his record where he has taken on his own Democratic leaders to return fiscal responsibility to Washington.
“Pat Toomey wins tonight’s debate,” said Toomey Campaign Manager Mark Harris. “Pat thoughtfully and clearly articulates his vision to bring more jobs to Pennsylvania and less government in Washington. On the other hand, Congressman Sestak continues to demonstrate the he is on the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party. Joe Sestak wants Pennsylvania to ignore his liberal record in Washington the last four years. In Washington, Joe Sestak voted for one bailout after another, $3.2 trillion in deficit spending, and every other item on the liberal agenda. Tonight’s debate makes the choice of Pat Toomey that much easier for Pennsylvanians.”