According to a Harper Polling survey, a majority of likely voters in Pennsylvania support specific immigration reform policies.
The survey was sponsored by the Partnership for a New American Economy, Republicans for Immigration Reform, and Compete America. As with any poll commissioned by an interest group, or groups, the results are to be taken with the proverbial grain of salt.
Simply asked if the American immigration system is broken, 74% said yes, 13% said no and 13% were undecided.
The survey judged the importance of immigration reform to voters by asking how important it was to address this year, and whether their representative’s vote on the issue would affect their opinions on reelection. 78% of respondents said that it was important to address immigration reform this year, and 54% said they would be more likely to vote for their representative if he or she supported immigration reform policies. Conversely, 56% said they would be less likely to vote for their representative if he or she did not support immigration reform.
“Support for immigration reform is broad and especially strong among persuadable independents that Republicans need to win elections,” said Charlie Spies, co-founder of Republicans for Immigration Reform, one of the organizations that sponsored the poll. “There is no question that Republicans have significantly more risk in opposing immigration reform than they do in supporting it.”
The poll was very policy specific, asking “Do you support or oppose an immigration reform plan that secures our borders, expands visas for high-skill workers and farm workers, provides an employer verification program, allows young persons brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents an opportunity to earn citizenship, and provides visas to live and work here legally to undocumented immigrants without a criminal record who pay penalties and back taxes?”
This type of policy earned 73% approval, 22% disapproval and 5% undecided.
A second policy type was suggested, this one more punitive, “Do you support or oppose an immigration reform plan that ensures undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. pay a penalty, learn English, pass a criminal background check, pay taxes, and wait a minimum of thirteen years before they can be eligible for citizenship?”
The punitive policy received 77% approval, 19% disapproval and 4% undecided.
This survey polled voters in 12 traditional battleground states (Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin), which represent 156 electoral votes and were decided by an average margin of 2.35 percent in the past four presidential elections.
The sample size for the survey is 520 likely voters and the margin of error is +/-4.30%. The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) automated telephone survey was conducted October 19-20, 2013 by Harper Polling.
8 Responses
Uh, newest Pew poll shows that 60% of US Citizens are against CIR:
For context from Kathleen’s comments – those numbers come from a Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), which is a conservative group that advocates isolationism and reduction of both legal and illegal immigration – a neo-nativist organization that has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Incidentally, Rep. Metcalfe publicized their report as well…
tl;dr – neo-nativism and Tea Party authoritarianism mongering.
Basically, Mr. Francis is advocating biometric Social Security cards being used as a national ID to further his xenophobic ends. The plot hole in his logic is that permanent residents are, by definition, not “illegal aliens” and someone with an ITIN is paying taxes.
Three years ago it was documented Pennsylvanians pay over $1.4 billion a year for services provided to illegal aliens in this state.
Five years ago it was documented over 30,000 Americans had been killed/murdered and over 1 one million the victims of sexual assaults committed by illegal aliens.
This poll is a biased and a self serving piece of fiction endorsed by special interests such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, unions, and the Catholic Church.
All should be made aware Americans will not allow all of the above, illegal aliens,LaRaza, or open border advocates to turn our country into a clone of the violent, corrupt, and lawless third world countries the illegal aliens left behind before invading ours.
Three years ago it was documented Pennsylvanians pay over $1.4 billion a year for services provided to illegal aliens in this state.
Five years ago it was documented over 30,000 Americans had been killed/murdered and over 1 one the victims of sexual assaults committed by illegal aliens.
This poll is a biased and a self serving piece of fiction endorsed by special interests such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, unions, and the Catholic Church.
All should be made aware Americans will not allow all of the above, illegal aliens,LaRaza, or open border advocates to turn our country into a clone of the violent, corrupt, and lawless third world countries the illegal aliens left behind before invading ours.
I love how several people refer to illegal aliens as it’s and as if they are not human’s. We need immigration reform..Building a giant metal wall does nothing.. The “Illegal aliens” are people just like everyone else and they will be determined to work and prosper in this land. The United states policy of simply picking them up and throwing them back into the 3rd world poverty slums of mexico, where most of them come from is not working. It won’t fix the problem. We need reform.
@Dave Francis
The problem with Obamacare is the illegal alien invasion, as in the fact of using Social Security numbers to determine who’s eligible? So the question is can an illegal alien applying with a ITIN number gain eligibility to what should only be available for citizens and legal residence. But what I want to understand that when you sign up your Social Security number is collected and then added to some massive data base. But then what about the ITIN numbers given freely by this incompetent government to millions of illegal aliens? Has this government found an excusable way, to add unknown numbers of foreign nationals, who shouldn’t be here in the first place? The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. IRS issues ITINs to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not entitled to obtain a Social Security Number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA).
The ITINs are issued regardless of immigration status because both resident and nonresident aliens may have a U.S. filing or reporting requirement. As I see it the only winner in Obama health care are Deadbeats and spongers. These are the individuals who call work “A dirty word” who have lived of the taxpayers, most of their lives and drawn public assistance and are a stain the benefit system. Only the truly disabled, sick, veteran warriors and single mothers with children, impoverished should have access. This President devastating repercussions are beginning to hit home. Individuals are losing the plans they like and hundreds of thousands are being cancelled. Our elderly are losing their doctors. Doctors are refusing to participate. Medications are being denied. Referrals are being denied. People are at risk of severe penalties because can’t sign up on the website—as it does not work. Obama and his administration blatantly lied to and deceived Americans purely in an effort to gain power and control. We’ve had enough of their tyranny! Get your message to Congress now. Find out more details of the corruption in the highest political power brokers in Washington and every one of the 50 states at judicial watch.
There is a basic, easy way to cut the job market from the thousands of illegal aliens arriving here daily: We demand for—ALL THE PEOPLE—ALL THIS NATION—(Lawful Residence have a green card) a bio-metric Social Security ID card, that will slash the illegal foreign workers arriving here to a dribble; stopping voting fraud by non-citizens and halt criminals stealing credit, welfare and other citizen benefits. This programmed card that you would slide through a machine, just the same way you slide a charge card through would deny illegal alien parents from appropriating billions of dollars annually in child credits.
Your picture, your thumb-print and even an iris eye scan would differentiate you from anybody else. The manic fools in Congress of both political parties (not the TEA PARTY) are willing to keep spending trillions of dollars, but shy away from this federal issued ID card for a meager $2 Billion that the legislators say would cover every U.S. citizen. A card more powerful than E-Verify or means of enforcement internally or at the borders; a national ID card that Americans need urgently. I only hope some Patriotic American begins a petition, to Command the legislators in Washington to get a biometric ID law in the Federal law books. DO AMERICANS HAVE TO BE SLYLY AND UNSUSPECTINGLY FORCED INTO FINANCIALLY CARRYING ILLEGAL ALIENS OR THE 30 MILLION WAITING TO MIGRATE UNDER A SENATE AMNESTY?