The race to decide who will compete against Tom Corbett next year may be getting all the attention lately, but the race for Lt. Governor has been picking up steam.
The newest candidate is the city of Harrisburg’s Parks and Recreation Director, Brenda Alton. Alton told Harrisburg city paper, The Burg, at her lunchtime press conference in the capitol rotunda that she has decided to run because of, “The decline of social impacts pushed her over the edge.”
Alton referred to herself as, “…a candidate like the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”
Her timing was unfortunate; much of the Capitol press corps was down the street at the monthly luncheon of the Pa. Press Club during the announcement.
She also said she planned to remain in her current city role while campaigning. Alton was appointed under Harrisburg’s current mayor Linda Thompson.
In 2010 Alton was appointed ombudsman for the city, and prior to that was a pastor for Harrisburg’s Kingdom Embassy church.
Thompson recently lost her bid for re-election in the Democratic primary and will leave office in January.
Her entrance complicates the picture for the first declared LG candidate: Harrisburg City Councilman Brad Koplinski, a vocal Thompson critic.
Bradford County Commissioner Mark Smith also has declared. Potential candidates include Former Congressman Mark Critz, PA State Education Association President Mike Crossley, State Sen. Larry Farnese (D-Phila), Northampton County DA John Morganelli, State Rep. Brandon Neuman (D-Wash) and State Sen. John Wozniak (D-Cambria).
3 Responses
Hey Brenda what’s with stealing my “in over my head” thunder? Want to form a ticket? We can call it 2 Girls, No Clue.
Max Myers put her into the race.
She sounds like a true winner. Her “decline of social impacts” statement makes absolutely no sense and the fact she likened herself to MLK gives her no credibility.