HD-170: Del Ricci Wins AFL-CIO and Other Labor Endorsements

Sarah-DelRicciThe special election for the 170th House District is heating up.

Last month, GOP candidate Martina White surprised everyone with a number of labor endorsements (labor unions almost always support Democrats).

Today, though, Democratic nominee Sarah Del Ricci won the support of the biggest unions, including the PA AFL-CIO.

“The hardworking people of the 170th legislative district know that Sarah DelRicci has their back when it comes to fully funding our public schools and getting property taxes under control,” said Danny Grace of Teamsters Local 830.

“Sarah DelRicci will be the voice that hardworking people desperately need in Harrisburg to help put Governor Wolf’s plan in place to fully fund public education, make corporations pay their fair share, and get property taxes under control,” Gary Masino of Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 stated.

“I am humbled to have earned the support of so many unions who represent the hardworking people of Northeast Philadelphia,” Del Ricci responded. “As I go doorstep-to-doorstep, I know that my message of increasing education funding, getting property taxes under control, and taxing Marcellus Shale drillers so that we can fund our schools, is resonating with hard-working families throughout the Northeast.”

The election is scheduled for March 24th and will fill the seat vacated by now-Congressman Brendan Boyle.

A full list of the unions backing Del Ricci is included below:

Pennsylvania AFL-CIO

Sheet Metal Workers Local 19

Teamsters Local 107

Teamsters Local 830

Teamsters Local 77

Teamsters Joint Council 53

Metropolitan Regional Council of Carpenters

Roofers Local 30

Operating Engineers Local 542

AFSCME District Council 13

Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 1

PA Association of Nurses & Allied Professionals

Insulators Local 14

UFCW Local 1776 (United Food and Commercial Workers Union)

United Auto Workers

11 Responses

  1. If they are both hot maybe they can be in my new porn together. I have to hot new stars to the porn world pugi boner. And. Dave Mandingo. They will throw size 12s at these hot ladies

  2. What a joke. She’s running for office even though she’s in the midst of bankruptcy, and these unions all endorse her to go to Harrisburg and handle the state budget.

    This is why I fully support paycheck protection.

  3. Hey Funny the only reason Martina has any union backing is bcause Doc is pissed he didnt get his way. Sadly Martina comes from a family that has fought unions for years!

  4. What happened? Did Johnny Doc finally get his Rabies shot? Or has it finally dawned on this animal that all his thuggery and “night work” and shady republican deals and the relentless destruction towards Ward Leaders was gonna cost his brother a seat on the Supreme Court???!! He should be thrown out of the Democratic Party for what he did to John Kane; leaking that story to the press. If I were a member of Local 98 I’d be suing this clown for stealing their union dues for his own amusement. He’s no longer a responsible Business Agent. He spends every waking day plotting revenge and destruction of the people and their families who refuse to take his money and be owned by him. Stand Up to this bully and report him to the National Labor Relations Board. Call US Attorney Livermore if u fear retaliation.
    #dirtyrat #sinkkevindoc

  5. Funny all of the other unions are under Johnny Doc’s spell. He’s trying to get back at Stack and McAleer on the Senate race. Doc will sink the rest of the union heads to the FBI to save is butt. Just ask Marino and Joe Doc. It’s called the Rath of Johnny Doc. He will be in prison soon.

  6. If DelRicci were so strong why did half the unions or more back White? The Dems are so desperate now they’ll probably try to get fast Eddie and Wolf to save her. One would have thought Stack’s money and endorsement would be enough. Guess it wasn’t. By the way, where is Stack? It’s his girl shouldn’t he be out there?

  7. DelRichi is a straight forward hard working regular girl, mother and intelligent leader who won’t back down!
    She is real ! As real it gets!

    So go away Martina with your $$! Go back to Somerton !

    We support Sarah here!

  8. Sean Ryan you must be mistaken, they are the Verizon Fio Representative’s knocking on doors. The past 6 weeks there has been an army on the street for DelRicci. This one will come down to the wire. I see a lot DelRicci signs being taken up by guys in pick up trucks. They must be the unions that are against her. May the best girl win.

  9. Martina White has knocked thousands of doors, outworking DelRicci. This is going to be the closest race the NE has seen in a longtime.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

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