The 190th state House District has once again elected a new state representative.
Roni Green, a business agent for SEIU Local 668 and Democratic committeewoman, coasted to victory in the special election to represent the West Philadelphia Democratic stronghold over Republican Wanda Logan. Green received 86.2% of the vote, while Logan earned 13.8%, with 95% of precincts reporting.
“We’re proud people in the 190th,” Green said from her victory party, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer. “I want them to know they have elected a state representative who will be there for them.”
The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee website touts Greens three decades of experience advocating for working families and wrote that she was running to “protect the voices of union workers and level the playing field for all Pennsylvanians.” Prior to serving in her role as a business agent for SEIU Local 668, she was elected to be the union’s statewide Secretary Treasurer in 2011 and held this role until 2014.
Despite Logan losing the special election, the Philadelphia Republican Party lauded the message she brought to the campaign.
“The Philadelphia Republican Party is proud of the race Wanda Logan has run,” said state Rep. Martina White, Chairwoman of the Philadelphia Republican Party. “She brought a message of change from the corrupt status quo to support for communities, higher wage jobs, and school choice as an option for families.”
The Philadelphia Republican Party added in a press release about the results that Logan “more than tripled” the votes for a Republican candidate in the district in recent years.
The special election to fill the seat was called after state Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell (D-Philadelphia) resigned in December 2019 after being charged with theft, perjury, tampering with public records along with other crimes. Johnson-Harrell’s predecessor, state Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown, also resigned from office in December 2018, when she was sentenced on a bribery conviction.
While Green was victorious in the special election to complete the current term, she is gearing up for the primary on April 28.
The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that Green will face former state Rep. Michael Horsey, Amen Brown, Theodore Smith, Roi Ligon Jr., Danyl Patterson, and Samuel Van Stone Downing in the Democratic primary in two months. Logan will also be seeking the Republican Party nod again in the April primary.
One Response
Voting right for all, in every election.
There will be a special election for state legislator on 2/25 in West Philadelphia’s district 190. Great, go vote.
There will be the all-important primary following that on 4/28, great go vote. Hold on, that is: Vote if you are allowed to.
Constituents in the Independent Pennsylvanians network are asking, hey I can vote in the special election but not in the primary, how come!? It is because Pennsylvania is one of several states that hold closed primaries, where only democrats and republicans can vote in primaries even though the primaries are publicly funded. 45% of the electorate are non-affiliated, which is more than registered Republican and Democrats. The fastest growing segment of independents are people of color, young voters and veterans.
Our communities are in trouble. Something has to change, and that change has to be from voters. This includes disenfranchised voters of all sorts, and especially unaffiliated voters who are locked out of the primaries, which is essentially the first round of elections.
So yes, vote in the special election. And fight with us to open Pennsylvania’s primaries by April 28th. “Give us the Ballot” –MLK