House Passes Rep. Pitts Resolution Honoring Humanitarian Aid Workers Killed in Afghanistan

House Passes Rep. Pitts Resolution Honoring Humanitarian Aid Workers Killed in Afghanistan
Lancaster native Glenn Lapp among those honored

Washington–Today, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution honoring humanitarian aid workers killed in Afghanistan in early August. Rep. Joe Pitts (PA-16) introduced the resolution, which pays tribute to six Americans who were attacked after running a mobile eye clinic in northern Afghanistan.
Among those killed was Lancaster native and nurse Glenn Lapp. Lapp went to Afghanistan in 2008 and served as the manager of a much-needed provincial eye care program in the country.
The resolution, H.Res. 1661, honors the humanitarian aid workers and extends condolences to families of the victims. The resolution also urges Afghan authorities to bring the perpetrators of the attack to justice.
Rep. Pitts’ statement follows:
“Today, the House honored the humanitarian workers so brutally killed just a few weeks ago. Among the six Americans killed in this attack was Glenn Lapp of Lancaster. Glen left Pennsylvania to use his nursing skills to serve the poorest regions of Afghanistan. We offer our condolences to his family and to the loved ones of the other aid workers.
“The perpetrators of this crime must be brought to justice. The people of Afghanistan have suffered greatly under the brutality and cruelty of the Taliban. These aid workers were trying their best to bring medical and eye care to an impoverished and isolated area of the country. Their service and sacrifice will not be forgotten.”
Full text of the resolution is available at:

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