Influential Lobbyist Stephen Wojdak Dies

Stephen WojdakOne of the most powerful men in PA politics passed away yesterday.

Stephen Wojdak was known as one of the most influential lobbyists in the commonwealth’s history. At times he was even referred to as the “King of Clout” or the “51st Senator”.

Wojdak served four terms in the PA House of Representatives and rose to Chair of the Appropriations Committee. He chose, though, to step down in 1976.

After his time in government, Wojdak created S.R. Wojdak & Associates.

“Steve was capable of forgiving. He didn’t hold grudges,” former Governor Ed Rendell said of Wojdak. “He understood we were doing our job. He might not have agreed with what we did but he understood it wasn’t anything personal.”

Jim Kenney, who just won the Democratic nomination for Mayor of Philadelphia, credits Wojdak with getting him into politics.

“He is responsible for me running for office,” Kenney said. “I wouldn’t be here is it wasn’t for him.”

Wojdak is survived by his wife, five children and five grandchildren.

8 Responses

  1. Observer. I just read your comments. No hiding here. My name is Steven Crawford. Look me up. I’m easy to find. Since I do not know you, I can only let your own words speak to your level of character and class. I pray that someday you will find the courage to come out from behind that skirted anonymity of what appears to be ctrl/alt/delete life.

  2. Observer, I don’t know a lot about lobbyist’s in general, but I well remember this particular person who left a very bad taste for politicians, in my mouth. He was one of the worst people I have ever met in my life. Good riddance to him. The best thing for the all the people in N.E. Philly, was his leaving here and moving to Harrisburg!

  3. Observer, keep hiding behind a keyboard under an anonymous name. You would never post such a stupid comment under your real name allowing people to see how dumb and uninformed you are about politics. I look forward to your next comment that refernces a Movie as the rationale for your feelings toward a profession.

  4. Observer is showing again that he or she is without class OR a clue about how things really work. Lobbyists get a bad rap. They convey information about how things really work in a particular industry. Yes, some industries can afford lobbyists who are better at conveying a message, but it’s better than having lawmakers write the law without knowing how it will really work.

    Observer, stick to defending your girl Kathleen Kane. At least you can be clueless there without slandering a good person’s name.

  5. Shame on you “Observer”. He was someone’s husband, father, and grandfather. Don’t pass judgment on the man simply because of his chosen profession. By all accounts, Mr. Wojdak was nothing like the fictitious Nick Naylor. Then again, I should have known better than to take what you said seriously given you attempt to rely on Thank You For Smoking to rake lobbyists over the coals. By the way, it was a book fist…just in case you wanted to access an original source for your misguided attempt to critique an otherwise banal announcement of Mr. Wojdak’s death.

  6. Observer, you just demonstrated that it is in fact you who are the scum of the earth. I can think of few things worse than what you just did to a man who you clearly did not know.

  7. Observer–how low can you be. The man has passed, show some respect if not for him but for his family.

  8. Really? A Paean to a Lobbyist, a/k/a the scum of the earth? Full-time bribe delivery boy? Is there a more amoral profession in the world? Did anyone here watch the movie “Thank You for Smoking?” People thought it was a comedy, but it was more of a documentary.

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