Yesterday, detectives searched Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s office for a third time since the beginning of her legal trouble.
At first it was unclear what they were looking for but now there are indications that it was a document that could prove Kane violated her duties and lied under oath.
According to Angela Couloumbis and Craig R. McCoy of the Inquirer, the investigators were looking for an oath of secrecy document.
The oath would require that Kane keep secret all information from grand jury investigations since 1980, including the 2009 Mondesire investigation.
This is important because Kane testified that she has only signed oaths for grand juries that began after she was inaugurated in 2013.
“We don’t go back and sign [oaths for] every grand jury from the beginning of time,” she testified on Nov. 17th before the new grand jury investigating her. “You can’t do that.”
The oath of secrecy, however, which Kane would have signed early in her tenure, would cover all thirty-two grand jury investigations over the past 35 years.
One of the charges against Kane is perjury.
Kane’s lawyer declined to comment to the Inquirer.
“I can’t confirm that is what the search warrant was after, or that there is such a document,” her spokesman Chuck Ardo stated.
75 Responses
Sklaroff needs another cup of TEA ….
Elroy – I am glad you keep bringing this up.
What a coincidence that one of Corbett’s first acts is to protect his buddies. These creeps think they can get away with this sort of nonsense. My feeling is that Pennsylvanians think otherwise.
I know there are many Philadelphians not happy that DA Williams has racists working for him.
Remember William Ryan, former acting Attorney General, ordered the destruction of 20,000,000 emails within the Office of the Attorney General after Corbett was sworn-in as Governor?
Porn emails have been reported as a few thousand. Why destroy 20,000,000 emails in order to capture a few thousand? There are more stories to be told.
This discussion continues on a subsequent page.
BTW, the inherent bias in these notes is reflected in the unjust, wholesale dismissal of the TEA Party Movement.
I was asked a question and I gave a simple honest answer. For whatever reason you have a visceral hatred for Fina. That’s your thing.
LOL … Lot’s of folks have called Fina a piece of shit. Just curious – do you think racist creep pigs always wear their racism on their sleeve for everyone to see?
This guy has been running around trying to keep his racism and sexism secret for many months now. You don’t think he knows how to keep it secret from you?
BTW – since you seem to be an “insider,” do you know when the grand jury is going to be sworn in to investigate the leaks of confidential material from the Kane investigation?
If this is the way Ferman handles her business, she probably should not be a Judge.
I don’t know Costanzo at all. I’ve known Fina for several years. I personally don’t care for him mostly because he’s an arrogant piece of crap. However, I have never ever heard him utter anything remotely racists or homophobic.
Rey – are Philadelphia D.A.’s Fina and Costanzo racists? In their e-mails was the image of a white man holding fried chicken being attacked by two deranged looking black men. The deviant-behavior of highly-entrusted public officials was the behavior of Fina and his W/M buddies.
@ DD & Rey Quinones:
You cannot ignore the potential-facts that are highlighted in these pieces, regardless of how you [in vain] attempt to “kill the messenger.”
I had predicted that the raid wasn’t a fishing-expedition but, rather, was intended to solidify the case that, now, is to be assessed by the Supremes; again, you nay-sayers were apparently incorrect when challenging this rather intuitive observation.
This isn’t about people around AG-Kane, nor is it related to her non-professional life; rather, it focuses upon self-induced overly-politicized deviant-behavior of a highly-entrusted elected-official.
Here’s where you go off the rails and no one takes you seriously. It is apparent that Skarloff is a nut. No doubt but for you to take a broad brush and swipe all members of the Tea Party as a racist shows how childish you are.
Ignore him.
Pat Unger-
rsklaroff is a real tea party Republican. So, you can be sure he completely supports racism by government by workers against anyone but him. You forget that rsklaroff promotes nonsense that Obama is muslim or anti-semitic. So, you are barking up the wrong tree trying to appeal to his non-existent morality or humanity.
@ Pat:
DEAL with the gravamen of the two hyperlinked datapoints [raid produced pledge and she used PR-spokesperson for purely personal pursuit] and then TRY to deny the seismic impact thereof.
Mr. Sklaroff – You guys have been calling the Attorney General “history” for quite some time. Perhaps, after the election in 2016, she actually will be. I know I would probably vote for someone else. But I wouldn’t want to see a return to the Corbett Era – where white men stole from us as they laughed at racist and other offensive material. That’s what Fina and his friends did. If you are a real Republican, you would not appreciate those guys using government time and equipment on “personal” things.
Someone needs to look at whether Fina used vacation time when he went to Court in other jurisdictions to try to keep his white male e-mail chain a secret. If he didn’t, he stole from Philadelphia as well.
Ahhh….she is getting divorced. She file the day after X Mas 2014.
Puzzles = Pu(ss)ies
You guys are a bunch of puzzles. Kane’s spokesperson did this. Her sister did that. She is getting DIVORCED ….
Prove it in Court. Otherwise – STFU
@ DD:
“Ardo’s appearance at a proceeding in Kane’s criminal case, however, could be more problematic. ‘That lends credence to those who say he’s really representing her interests in the criminal case and it’s poor judgment on his part,’ he said.”
The accusation about Ardo comes from the group: “Pennsylvanians for Union Reform”
So, politics.
Kathleen Kane ‘misappropriated’ funds to pay spokesman, advocacy group says
@ RR/DD:
No one has faced the fact that, if this is true, AG-Kane is IMMEDIATE “history”!
rsklaroff says:
Frankly I can see where Mr. Diano says you’re a putz. This has been discussed already here throughout the weekend. Yet, now you post this article.
Dave, I can see what you mean…
@ DD:
“Sources: Kane signed oath of secrecy”
I’ll be in Hbg tomorrow cleaning da shit house at Dinggleberry Square making $25 an hour you fools!! All Ya all are lucky I didn’t get my badge or I would have entrapped all ya all … Is all dis talk of something happening tomorrow about me … No need to bring popcorn, just vape up while I finish dis shitter.
Platinum calling other people cowardly is a hoot. How many aliases have you gone through here and Phiilydotcom? If you’re so courageous post your real name.
Mondays coming. Get the popcorn ready.
I’m not obviously anything. I’m not a plant for anyone. Anyone who says they know for sure that the press was waiting for the detectives to show up are lying.
I work in Strawberry Square and was there that day. There were no press people waiting at the elevator banks that morning.
Believe that or not but that is the truth.
And Ha ha…here’s my question to you. Why won’t Kane release the rest of the emails?