Joe “SaysTax” Masquerades as Tax Cutter
PA Voters Aren’t Buying What Joe’s Selling
Allentown, PA – Congressman Joe Sestak has been criss-crossing the state of Pennsylvania, preaching the virtues of cutting taxes. It’s too bad for Pennsylvania taxpayers that Congressman Sestak decided to wait until it was politically expedient to do so.
The election-year, tax-cutting rhetoric coming from Congressman Sestak is little more than just that, rhetoric.
A quick look at Joe’s very consistent voting record in Congress confims his support for the most egregious tax increases in recent memory:
· Joe Sestak voted for the cap-and-trade energy tax: (HR 2454) (RC #477, 06/26/09) which raised taxes on energy consumers by $821 billion (“CBO estimates that …. direct spending would increase by $821.2 billion over the same periods, respectively.” (June 5, 2009 CBO Score).
· Joe Sestak voted for the Democrats’ FY 2008 budget: (RC #377, 05/17/07). The budget resolution raised taxes $2.7 trillion over ten years (Heritage Foundation, 05/17/07).
A National Review Editorial Called The Budget “The Largest Tax Increase In American History.” “Without much notice, the Democrats have passed a budget resolution that would allow most of the Bush tax cuts to expire at the end of 2010. Allowing tax rates to snap back to their former levels would constitute the largest tax increase in American history.” (Editorial, “Tax And Spend Democrats,” National Review, 5/23/07).
· Joe Sestak Voted In Favor Of The FY 2009 Budget Resolution. (S. Con. Res. 70, CQ Vote #382).
· The Democrats’ FY2009 Budget would have raised taxes by $3 trillion over the next decade, or $3,135 per household annually. (According to a study conducted by the Heritage Foundation).
· Joe Sestak voted for ObamaCare which included more than $500 billion in new taxes: (H.R. 3590, Roll Call Vote #165, 3/21/10).
· Joe Sestak even voted “no” on a measure to permanently repeal the Death Tax: (Vote #959, 10/10/07).
Congressman Sestak has sided with the most liberal wing of the Democratic Party on the most important issues, 100% of the time. But in an election year when Pennsylvanians are rejecting Congressman Sestak’s monstrous spend-and-tax policies, he has little choice but to play politics and hope that voters are willing to ignore his abysmal record.
“It’s not a coincidence that Congressman Sestak’s dramatic shift in position comes at a time when he’s badly trailing Pat Toomey in the polls and is forced to defend an extreme voting record that Pennsylvania voters are rejecting wholeheartedly,” said Toomey campaign spokesman, Tim Kelly. “Nine short months ago Congressman Sestak recognized that raising taxes would harm our struggling economy, but it becomes clearer each day that he’s far more interested in putting politics ahead of Pennsylvania voters.”