Joe Sestak Marches in Pittsburgh Labor Day Parade

Will Deliver Speech at Carnegie Mellon Tomorrow on Job Creation

MEDIA, PA – U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak celebrated Labor Day with workers in Pittsburgh Monday, participating in one of the largest Labor Day parades in the country. He sprinted back and forth across Grant Street and Boulevard of the Allies, greeting spectators and honoring the holiday’s meaning as a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

“This day, with events like the Pittsburgh Labor Day parade, is a wonderful way to recognize the millions of working families who have literally built America,” Joe said. “Growing up as one of eight kids, as the grandson of a steelworker and son of a Navy captain and school teacher, I saw what happens when families have the chance to succeed based on their own hard work and talents. With much work ahead to ensure the economic recovery all workers deserve, today’s celebrations should serve as a reminder of our responsibility to restore the opportunity of the American Dream — the opportunity to pass on to our kids a better country than the one we inherited.”

Admiral Sestak will address his economic proposals and contrast them with his opponent’s plan in a speech at Carnegie Mellon University tomorrow about ways to help small businesses and create jobs for Pennsylvania’s working families.  

Joe Sestak was elected to Congress in 2006 after a distinguished 31-year career in the United States Navy, and he is honored to represent the Southeastern Pennsylvania district where he was born and raised. He is a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate seat from Pennsylvania.  During his Navy career, Joe attained the rank of 3-star Admiral, served in the White House as Director for Defense Policy on President Clinton’s National Security Council, served in the Pentagon as Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, and led a series of operational commands at sea, culminating in command of the USS George Washington Aircraft Carrier Battle Group (30 ships, 100 aircraft, and 15,000 sailors/marines/aviators/SEALs) during combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. In our nation’s time of crisis in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, the Navy turned to Joe Sestak to serve as the first Director of “Deep Blue,” the Navy anti-terrorism unit formed in response to the attacks. Joe is the highest-ranking former military officer ever elected to either branch of Congress. He graduated second in his class from the U.S. Naval Academy and holds a Master’s in Public Administration and a PhD in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University. Joe lives in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, with his wife, Susan, and daughter, Alex, and proudly represents the 7th District, where his mother and many of his seven siblings still reside.

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