Joe Sestak Says Education Key to Community Growth at Harrisburg Urban Issues Forum
HARRISBURG, Pa. – U.S. Senate candidate Joe Sestak said today that supporting our children’s education is crucial not just to their success in life but also for the betterment of Pennsylvania’s urban communities.
Participating on an urban issues panel with community leaders, Admiral Sestak said that a comprehensive education fueled programs like Head Start build a strong foundation for our children’s future. When our schools and teachers do not have the tools they need, Joe added, not only do students suffer but also their communities.
He noted a recent study by The Schott Foundation that showed more than half of Philadelphia’s black male population in Grade 8 read below Basic level and virtually none read at the Advanced level. White male students were three times more likely to participate in Mathematic Advanced Placement and six times more likely to participate in Science Advanced Placement courses than their black male classmates.
“The problems that plague our urban centers, like crime and unemployment, are directly related to how much we commit our time and resources to helping the youth in our community gain the tools they need to succeed in the workforce and provide for their families,” said Joe. “Congressman Toomey would rather us take away money from our schools, but leaders can no longer afford to ignore the single best option for improving our communities. The time is not for abandonment, but for action.”
While Congressman Toomey consistently voted to slash education funding, school construction and work-study programs that help our children succeed, Admiral Sestak has consistently fought to improve education in this country, including boosting funding for programs like Head Start while introducing legislation to improve No Child Left Behind so that our schools remain accountable not only to themselves but the students they serve.
“Our children’s education can be the silver bullet for improving our communities,” said Joe. “It provides a foundation for success in their life, a success that positively impacts the communities they live in. We need a renewed commitment to education, and as your next U.S. Senator, I will always fight on the side of our schools, our teachers and most importantly, our students.”