July 20th Playbook

Senate panel advances PA judicial nominee, over Bob Casey’s objection, while the Pennsylvania unemployment rate drops to 4.3 percent in June. Happy Friday politicos, here’s the Playbook.

Barletta Reorganizes Campaign Staff:Politico called it a shakeup, Barletta’s team calls it an expansion

Harrisburg & DC
The Times: Sen. Bob Casey advocates for PA newspapers in Canadian paper tariffs hearing
Witf:In Pa. governor’s race, Wolf ad tags Wagner as ‘ultimate insider’
Trib Live: State Capitol building to be lighted for Special Olympics 50th anniversary
Capitolwire: PA Supreme Court overturns 2012 welfare code changes
Capitolwire: PA Supreme Court upholds Philly ‘soda tax.’
Capitolwire: Regional college gets state aid
State Impact: New Mariner East troubles: Spill in western Pa., exposed pipeline outside
AP: Auditor sees state tax windfall if marijuana is legalized
NYT Opinion: Pittsburgh should share its growth
WHYY Newsworks: Judge halts Pa. lawmakers’ efforts to raid insurance surplus
WHYY Newsworks: Wolf to veto abortion ban if Roe falls; Wagner won’t commit
The Times Leader: Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate down to 4.3 percent in June

Philly Clout: Philly NAACP leader didn’t disclose his paid gig lobbying for Kenney’s soda tax
WHYY Newsworks: Behind the campaign to get teachers to leave their unions
WHYY Newsworks: New mural honors slain Philly policeman along Strawberry Mansion beat
Inquirer: Philly spent $2.2M since 2012 to settle sexual harassment cases. The controller says it’s probably higher
Inquirer: IRS nominee clears Senate panel despite Democrat opposition
Inquirer: Pa. GOP gov nominee to climate change activist: ‘You’re a little young and naive’
Inquirer: Marijuana bills increasingly focus on social justice
Inquirer: A sexual harassment complaint against Sheriff Jewell Williams was substantiated this year, documents show
Billy Penn: Mayor Kenney has now pissed off two of America’s biggest hip hop stars
Philadelphia Business Journal: Amid Made in America spat, how do you solve Parkway event problems?

City & State PA: Philly Controller lays out plan to fix broken sexual harassment system
WHYY: Bucks County, Philabundance team up to address suburban hunger:
Bucks County Courier Times: State grant will allow Neshaminy to double its pre-K program
Bucks Local News: State Representative Helen Tai announces $2M grant for Council Rock school project

The Inquirer: Senate panel advances PA judicial nominee, over Bob Casey’s objection
Next Pittsburgh:The pros and cons of the Peoples Gas proposal to fix Pittsburgh’s water problems
Post-Gazette: PA AG’s office sues housing lender for ‘deceptive’ practices
Tribune Review: Pittsburgh area home sales increase while inventory moves faster
Tribune Review: Auditor general, Pittsburgh mayor call for marijuana legalization
Post-Gazette: Pa. Attorney General sues housing lender for ‘deceptive’ practices
WESA: DePasquale, Peduto Tout Tax Windfall From Legalizing Pot

Observer Reporter: Former Washington County probation officer administers Ohio court
Observer Reporter: Washington City Council hires police officer
Altoona Mirror: Penn State to vote on tuition freeze
Altoona Mirror: Bedford OKs larger 911 group

Times Tribune: Scranton residents sue Lackawanna County to force reassessment
The Times Leader: Teachers’ union asks judge to declare Dallas School District in contempt
Times Tribune: Defamation suit moves to next phase
Citizens Voice: Wyoming police commissioner charge in theft
News Item: Shamokin Area teachers give OK to contract
News Item: Borough council appoints blight task force committee

South Central
Lancaster Online: Moody’s lowers Lancaster city bond rating to A3
York Dispatch: Auditor Sees State Tax Windfall If Marijuana Is Legalized
York Dispatch: Penn St. Board Ponders Freeze On In-State Tuition Next Year
PennLive: After 7 years, these Pa. residents still have no water. But they got cash to keep quiet
Penn Live: It’s no surprise that Bob Casey chose ‘None of the Above’ for Trump SCOTUS pick
PennLive: State regulators sue nonprofit linked to Philly power pols, report

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Allentown loses $3.5 million in reserves due to budgeting mistake
Morning Call: Report: Legalizing marijuana in Pennsylvania could generate $580 million in state tax revenues

North by Northwest
Go Erie: Erie police welcomes six new officers
Go Erie: National Civilian Community Corps aids Erie groups
Go Erie: Congressional Dems pick Erie’s DiNicola for campaign program

Herald Standard: Mandate lead test for schools
The Ambler-Gazette: Women stand up to take their place in government
The Tribune Democrat:Making progress in Harrisburg
York Dispatch: Oped: Pa. budget misses key opportunities
York Dispatch:EDITORIAL: Don’t change the rules on food stamps
Inquirer Editorial Board: Did Mayor Kenney diss Jay-Z over Made in America?  
Stu Bykofsky: Mayor Kenney vs. Jay-Z: A lose-lose?
Christine Flowers: A formula for disaster: addicted mom, breastfeeding baby
George Basile: Why we need to rename Taney Street
Will Bunch: No, Trump administration, we didn’t ‘win’ the War of Poverty
Philadelphia Business Journal: Kennedy Rose: Has Philadelphia reached peak millennial?

One Response

  1. The Scott Wagner comments to the 18 year old woman who asked him about climate change and his contributions from the fossil fuel industry at a town hall in Montgomery County seem worrisome. His saying, “And you know you are a little young and naive.” It took courage for a new voter to stand up in public and ask a profound question to a very wealthy politician running for Governor and what happens? The person gets insulted. Some reward from Scott Wagner for civic participation. This is similar to the tracker who was singled out at the country club in York awhile back by Scott Wagner. He gave the tracker a tough time in front of an audience at the country club. It’s just not good judgment in both cases.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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