June 4th Playbook

The state is looking to take control of the Harrisburg School District, while a debate about “skill games” ensues in the capitol. Here is the Playbook.

Harrisburg & DC  
Patriot News: State files to take control of Harrisburg School District
Patriot News: State makes case for Harrisburg school takeover: controversial solicitor hire, no superintendent contract, ‘toxic culture’
Patriot News: Requested state takeover of Harrisburg School District draws support from key state policymakers
Patriot News: Judge sets date to hear argument for state takeover of Harrisburg schools
Patriot News: Bill to regulate human milk banks passes Pa. House
Patriot News: Bills seeks to change name of program to draw more municipalities’ interest
Patriot News: Bikers rally for motorcycle lemon law and procession rights at Pa. Capitol
Patriot News: High absenteeism could cost municipal officials their elected post
AP: Democrats want to extend security money to houses of worship
AP: State seeks takeover of Harrisburg schools
AP: Pennsylvania considering setting standards for milk banks
AP: Pa., Del. among long list of troubled nursing homes revealed by Casey and Toomey
Inquirer: Cigar, ski and seersucker clubs — all for Pa. lawmakers
Inquirer: A large Pa. employer supports ‘Medicare for all’ to ‘remove an albatross from American business’
Inquirer: Presiding over Pa. Senate, Lt. Governor nearly faints
WITF: Lawmakers look to cut down on legally ambiguous ‘games of skill’
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: ‘That could be any of us’: Senate Dems propose $10M safety grant program for Pa. houses of worship
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: In first-ever hearing on legalizing cannabis, House GOP focuses on Pa. gun owners
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Harrisburg city school district may soon be under state control, as Pa. Education department petitions for receivership
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: ‘It’s a light at the end of the tunnel’: Ex-offenders and lifers seek a second chance from Pa. pardons board
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Meet the 3 Pa. Republican rookies who have Trump’s back in a hostile House
PLSReporter: Senators introduce legislation to help prevent hate crimes
PLSReporter: Study: Pennsylvania broadband access much lower than advertised
PLSReporter: Anti-squatters bill passes through committee, onto House vote
PLSReporter: In ’opening conversation’ on recreational marijuana, lawmakers consider effect legalization has on gun rights
PLSReporter: Tomlinson looks to strengthen penalties against games of skill, while Pace-O-Matic stands up for their machines
KDKA: Pa. State Supreme Court Makes Ruling Affecting DUI Checkpoints
City Paper: Pennsylvania Dreamers paid $43 million in taxes, study says
StateImpactPA: Pennsylvania’s had a lot of tornadoes this year. But scientists don’t know if there’s a climate change link
StateImpactPA: Scientists racing to figure out how fast a glacier the size of Pennsylvania could melt

KYW Newsradio: Philly City Council advances city budget, bill that would reduce taxes for most homeowners
KYW Newsradio: It’s now the law: No more smoking in bus shelters in Philly
WHYY Newsworks: Krasner: Racist Facebook posts could get officers barred from criminal trials
Billy Penn: Thousands of Philly homes head to foreclosure despite court system chaos  
Inquirer: 7 Philly cops have been under investigation for their Facebook postings. See what they wrote.
Inquirer: Which of your favorite stores could take a hit from tariffs, according to Wells Fargo analysts

Daily Local News: Chesco politics intrudes on perjury trial
Daily Local News: Area lawmakers introduce TRU bill to boost safety at house of worship
Delco Daily Times: Kirkland touts Chester’s progress in ‘State of the City’ address
Delco Daily Times: Months later officials finally begin to move on failing pipes and culvert on Sproul Road
Bucks Local News: In Harrisburg, Bucks County lawmakers honor nationally-recognized sportswriter from Newtown

Tribune Review: Judge to decide next week if AG Shapiro can block looming UPMC-Highmark split
Tribune Review: Region can’t afford to pass on $1.1B Pittsburgh airport plan, officials say
KDKA: ‘Better Recycling, Better Burgh:’ City Officials To Host Recycling Workshops
KDKA: New, Strict Recycling Rules Becoming A Challenge For Communities
City Paper: Pennsylvania Dreamers paid $43 million in taxes, study says  
Post-Gazette: Council questions Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre lease renewal on land given to city by first mayor
Post-Gazette: Judge won’t compel Pittsburgh RAND researcher to testify about military transgender ban report
Post-Gazette: An old refrain: Better wages, conditions a must for direct care workforce
Post-Gazette: Seven Allegheny County communities get state traffic signal improvement grants worth $1.6M
PLSReporter: Pittsburgh Controller files ethics complaint against Pittsburgh Public Schools Superintendent

Beaver County Times: State Sen. Camera Bartolotta proposes plan to limit state government spending
Beaver County Times: County to begin glass recycling program
Tribune Review: U.S. Rep. John Joyce racks up 12,000 miles of travel in six months

Citizens Voice: County gets new firm to resolve cyber attack
Times-Tribune: Prison sex abuse probe and allegations cost Lackawanna County taxpayers $1.74 million
The Times Leader: Wilkes-Barre Township swears in new police chief  

South Central  
Patriot News: State files to take control of Harrisburg School District
Patriot News: State makes case for Harrisburg school takeover: controversial solicitor hire, no superintendent contract, ‘toxic culture’
Patriot News: Requested state takeover of Harrisburg School District draws support from key state policymakers
Patriot News: Judge sets date to hear argument for state takeover of Harrisburg schools
Patriot News: Silencing voters? State takeover of Harrisburg schools would wrest control from elected board
Patriot News: With internet poker, slots and other games coming this summer, Pennsylvania casinos ask court to stop or limit iLottery games
Patriot News: ’Road to Redemption’: Group hosts workshop in Harrisburg on pardons, expungements  
Carlisle Sentinel: Cumberland County election board to review voting machine options
Carlisle Sentinel: Cumberland County commissioners approve 2019-20 fiscal cycle budget

Lehigh Valley    
Morning Call: Whitehall commissioner calls for fellow commissioner to resign over comment about veterans
Reading Eagle: Spotty broadband service hinders internet users in Berks
Express Times: Toomey, GOP senator from Lehigh Valley, blasts new Trump tariffs as ‘blanket tax increase

North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Rep. Mike Kelly hosts Social Security town hall
Centre Daily Times: ‘Staggering’ discrepancy in Pa. between rural and urban broadband coverage, study finds

Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Give Shapiro time: AG should get to make his case before UPMC patients are cut off
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Flawed process: Mueller’s public remarks offered no clarity
Inquirer Editorial Board: Could raising the minimum wage help save lives?
Pam Snyder: We need to protect Pa’s Medical Assistance Transportation Program
Mitchell Goldstein: Pennsylvania breast milk law could harm premature newborns
John L. Micek: The budget sprint is on: Here’s three things to think about | Monday Morning Coffee
Will Bunch: Mitch McConnell’s democracy-crushing smirk is why just getting rid of Trump isn’t enough
Paul Muschick: On annual vehicle emissions tests: PA drivers could finally get relief
Nancy Martorano Miller: Why the Supreme Court is staying out of many challenges to gerrymandered state maps
Joseph N. DiStefano: A downsized DuPont plans a $10M+ ad campaign: ‘Inventing the Better Now’
Matt Miclette: The stimulant epidemic: Why our worries should go beyond opioids
Danielle Cullen: Summer means hunger for nearly 1 in 4 Philadelphia kids. Health care providers can help.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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